
7 Best Places to Visit in Santorini Greece - Land of Stunning Sunsets

Greece is a beautiful city located in Europe; home to many philosiphers, Greece is mentioned in Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstien three times. The first time in the Volume one, Preface, and simply discussing tragic greek poetry, and the great works thereof. The second time Greece is mentioned is in Volume one, Chapter three. We're discussing the rightchessness of the human mind, and how if the human kind followed the calm and peacful mindset history might've played out different, specifically how Greece may have never been enslaved. The third and final time Greece is mentioned in the novel is talking about the plan of education, and what is going to be happening. There wasn't a lot in my research that I felt really added to the novel or the plot. 

“Greece.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, inc., 19 Feb. 2025,

7 Best Places to Visit in Santorini Greece - Land of Stunning Sunsets, Accessed 25 Feb. 2025.


Latitude: 39.074208000000
Longitude: 21.824312000000