Nonna Silvia moves from Sovignacco to Trieste as political exile

Mario Lorenzutti says this about my nonna Silvia to my dad: "Tua mamma invece e` partita da Sovignacco nel 1963, non ricordo il mese . Ando` a Trieste con il passaporto ,perche` quella parte dell`Istria era gia` passata sotto la Jugoslavia dopo la guerra e quindi rimase a Trieste chiedendo asilo politico. Lavoro` al Villaggio del Fanciullo a Opicina per quasi un anno fino alla sua partenza per il Canada nell`autunno del 1964."  Tranlation: "Your mother instead left Sovignacco in 1963, I do not remember the month. She went to Trieste with a passport, because that part of Istria had already passed under Yugoslavia after the war and so she remained in Trieste asking for political asylum. She worked at the Children's Village [a preschool] in Opicina for almost a year until her departure for Canada in the autumn of 1964."

Associated Place(s)

Event date:

Spring 1963 to Autumn 1964