ENG 910: Week Five Blog Post

During the virtual presentation of different editions and renditions of “Goblin Market” from Ryerson’s Archives and Special Collections it was interesting to see how many versions of this one text have been published internationally, especially the little pocket version. When tasked with individually curating these different editions for an exhibition, it was a challenge to find precise information because of how many different editions have been circulated over time. Since some of these editions of “Goblin Market” are older, it is missing some crucial information that can make curating these pieces easier such as artists publication dates or even the artists names which may not have been included when published. It was quite a surprise to see how different artists interpreted the poem for their illustrations. Since there was a split market for selling this poem to children and adults, the illustrations do have an impact on how the poem is perceived. There was one version of “Goblin Market” that had large and colorful drawings which were clearly used for a children’s book as it does not appear as frightening but more entertaining for a younger audience. In comparison to other editions where the goblins look more terrifying or they contain fewer illustrations that it is clearly made for an older audience.  

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