Archangel (or Архангельск in Russian) is a port city and capital of the homonimous Oblast at the Northwest part of Russia, between the Northern Dvina River and the White Sea. The place take relevance during the novel's preface, since it is a place where R. Walton lived for approximatelty 7 months, after arriving to Russia and before sailing to the White Sea. On the letters to his sister, Walton describes how he went to Archangel some time after arriving St. Petesburgh, and how that town was cold and time passed slowly for him as he spend months planning and recruiting people to sail with him.
Investigating about the place, I found out that it used to be a very importanmt port for Russia, with naval and trade relevance, importance that started centuries before the novel, thanks to english traders. However, during the 18th century it started to loss relevance in favor of St. Petesburgh. While trade wasn't a big deal for some a while by the time the novel was written, we can just asume that it was history, and a small trade a the time, what kept Archangel on the British pop culture of the time.
The place has very few relevance for the novel, since it is just a place in which Walton lived for a short time, and it's not like it was a defining experience for the character (unlike his time at the near White Sea). Something that is reflected on th efew times that is mention, not even in the novel, but in the preface.
The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica (2024, December 19). Arkhangelsk. Encyclopedia Britannica.
Picture: Alexxx1979 (2018). Arkhangelsk. Northern Dvina River. Recovered from: File:Arkhangelsk. Northern Dvina River P7151363 2200.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
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