Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace is located in Westminster, London and it is the official residence as well as administrative headquarters to the sovereigns of the United Kingdom. It was built in 1703 as the Buckingham House by William Winde and John Fitch for the 3rd Earl of Musgrave, John Sheffield. It only became a royal residence when King George III purchased Buckingham House for his wife, Queen Charlotte, and their children; the house became known as the "Queen's house." When King George III died, his 60-year-old son took over the throne and decided to renovate as well as expand the building under John Nash. Throughout British history, the palace has been the location of many ceremonies, royal events, State banquets, concerts, ostentatious parties, receptions, and national celebrations and commemorations.  

The Buckingham Palace is mentioned many times throughout Virginia Woolf's story, Mrs. Dalloway. The protagonist, Clarissa Dalloway, takes readers on a journey all through Westminster to complete her errands during the mid-morning of every day. She passes St. James Park near Buckingham Palace and mentions that it is silent, but the animals are happy. She tells readers that she is very fond of walking in her country and that it is better than any other country. In addition, she mentions Buckingham Palace when she sees a crowd of lower-class people waiting at the Gates of the Palace; this is because they yearned for Royalty to glance their way. She thought about Sally Parker's dresses and suggested that she could wear them at the palace. 

Works Cited

The Royal Household. (2016, December 09). The Role of the Monarchy. Retrieved from https://www.royal.uk/role-monarchy

Buckingham Palace. (2017, July 18). Retrieved from https://www.history.com/topics/british-history/history-of-buckingham-palace

Who built Buckingham Palace? (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.rct.uk/visit/the-state-rooms-buckingham-palace/who-built-buc...

50 Fascinating Facts About Buckingham Palace. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.theoriginaltour.com/en/discover/50-fascinating-facts-about-b...

Goodey, E. (2019, October 07). Royal Residences: Buckingham Palace. Retrieved from https://www.royal.uk/royal-residences-buckingham-palace