Edinburgh, Scotland

Goblin Market by Christina Rossetti in 1906, with illustrations and coloured plates by Dion Clayton Calthrop, was published by T. C. & E. C. Jack in Edinburgh, Scotland. This is a temporary publishing company during the 20th-century that was active during the beginning of 1900’s and ending around 1951. This implies that the 1906 publication of Goblin Market was one of the first books to be released through the company. This lead for the poem to be further published with other artists illustrations throughout the years to come that contained both black and white images, as well as coloured.

Relevant Sources:

Kooistra, Lorraine Janzen. "Modern Markets for 'Goblin Market.'" Victorian Poetry, vol. 32, nos. 3-4, 1994, pp. 249-277. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/40002818 


Latitude: 55.953252000000
Longitude: -3.188267000000

Timeline of Events Associated with Edinburgh, Scotland

Date Event Manage
1906 to 1906

Goblin Market by Christina Rossetti Published with Dion Clayton Calthrop’s Illustrations

In the year of 1906 Christina Rossetti publishes a picture book of Goblin Market that includes sexual implications of females by Dion Clayton Calthrop, a well less known fairy painter. Dion Clayton Calthrop was known for his fairy-filled paintings and illustrations, most likely streaming from his work in the theatre. In 1925 he published a book called Music Hall Nights, which was following his publication of Goblin Market illustrations in 1906. Calthrop was also known to be supportive for others of getting involved in play and production, helping fellow friend and artist Mary Eleanor Fortescue Brickdale to become involved in fashion for pageants in 1907. Calthrop’s eye for fairies and his inclusion of that within his work, made fantasy even more prevalent in their editions afterwards, leading to Alice Ross, another fairy illustrator, also publishing for Goblin Market in 1910. This began a change in what is identified as children’s literature, as well as how human sexuality is reflected in text in a way that dabbled in taboo themes without explicitly stating them to be present. This lead to being a highly profitable industry for adult story books, having there be competition for Goblin Market, such as Peter Pan. These were definitely considered to be “children’s” fairy tale with an adult appeal that tempted the public. This perhaps brings in questions of laws and cultural factors that revolved around female sexual relationships during that time period and how the LGBTQ community was not relevant or promoted.

Relevant Sources:

Kooistra, Lorraine Janzen. Christina Rossetti and Illustration: A Publishing History, Ohio UP 2002, ProQuest e-Book.

Victorian Web - Bibliography

Victorian Web - A Pre-Raphaelite Journey

Cover of Christin Rossetti's 1906 Goblin Market Publication