Rome - Brunelleschi's Inspiration

Brunelleschi was inspired to integrate features of Roman architecture into his projects after he visited Rome in 1403. There, he took a look at the ancient buildings and ruins and noticed that each one one displayed characteristics of classical architeture: a huge focus on symmetry and use of geometrical shapes. In his future projects, he would incorporate these elements including a more simple, balanced appearance in his designs.

Source: Argan, Giulio Carlo, and Nesca A. Robb. “The Architecture of Brunelleschi and the Origins of Perspective Theory in the Fifteenth Century.” Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, vol. 9, 1946, pp. 96–121. JSTOR,


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Longitude: 12.496365500000

Timeline of Events Associated with Rome - Brunelleschi's Inspiration

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Rise of Renaissance Architecture

In the early 15th century, the beginnings of the Renaissance were taking shape. One of those areas was architecture. Filippo Brunelleschi, an Italian architect, visited Rome and analyzed buildings that were built centuries ago. The rise of classicism brought back aspects of Greek and Roman architecture like symmetry and geometry and were used in projects like the interior of the Church of San Lorenzo and the Florence Cathedral. Brunelleschi is credited as the founder of Renaissance architecture and influenced future architects like Leonardo da Vinci, who used a series of squares and rectangles in his drawings, much of them included a huge dome in the center after Brunelleschi's revolutionary design.


Ackerman, James S. “Architectural Practice in the Italian Renaissance.” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, vol. 13, no. 3, 1954, pp. 3–11. JSTOR,

Burckhardt, Jacob, et al. The Architecture of the Italian Renaissance. University of Chicago Press, 1987.

Craven, Jackie. “The Significance of Renaissance Architecture.” ThoughtCo, ThoughtCo, 6 Nov. 2019,
