
This is where my nonna Silvia was born and grew up.


Latitude: 45.378317400000
Longitude: 13.921828500000

Timeline of Events Associated with Sovignacco

Date Event Manage
Spring 1963 to Autumn 1964

Nonna Silvia moves from Sovignacco to Trieste as political exile

Mario Lorenzutti says this about my nonna Silvia to my dad: "Tua mamma invece e` partita da Sovignacco nel 1963, non ricordo il mese . Ando` a Trieste con il passaporto ,perche` quella parte dell`Istria era gia` passata sotto la Jugoslavia dopo la guerra e quindi rimase a Trieste chiedendo asilo politico. Lavoro` al Villaggio del Fanciullo a Opicina per quasi un anno fino alla sua partenza per il Canada nell`autunno del 1964."  Tranlation: "Your mother instead left Sovignacco in 1963, I do not remember the month. She went to Trieste with a passport, because that part of Istria had already passed under Yugoslavia after the war and so she remained in Trieste asking for political asylum. She worked at the Children's Village [a preschool] in Opicina for almost a year until her departure for Canada in the autumn of 1964."

Nonna Silvia and Nonno Virgilio around the time of their marriage