St. Margaret of Antioch Churchyard, Hampshire

St. Margaret of Antioch Churchyard, in the village of Wellow in Hampshire, houses the Nightingale family burial site. The church was established in 1215. Though Florence Nightingale’s family was offered a state burial at Westminster Abbey, her family selected their home parish. Hampshire is a county on the southern coast of England and its county town is Winchester. It is also known for its connections to Jane Austen and Isambard Kingdom Brunel.


Latitude: 50.981858980282
Longitude: -1.569156646729

Timeline of Events Associated with St. Margaret of Antioch Churchyard, Hampshire

Date Event Manage
20 Aug 1910

Nightingale ceremony

Photo of NightingaleOn 20 August 1910, a public ceremony in London and a private burial in Hampshire are organized in Florence Nightingale’s memory. Image: Photograph of Florence Nightingale (1858). This image is in the public domain in the United States as its copyright has expired.


Lara Kriegel, “On the Death—and Life—of Florence Nightingale, August 1910″