
Sumbawa is an Indonesian island in the Lesser Sunda Islands chain. The island is known for its sandalwood and honey. In the eighteenth century, the Dutch began growing coffee here on the slopes of Mount Tambora, creating Tambora coffee.


Latitude: -8.597051878827
Longitude: 117.258071908730

Timeline of Events Associated with Sumbawa

Date Event Manage
Apr 1815

Mount Tambora

The 1815 eruption of Mount Tambroa is known as the deadliest and most powerful volcanic eruption in human history. It was located on the island of Sumbawa which is now know as Indonesia. The blast was said to have been heard up to 1,600 miles away. The entire world was affected by the ash from the eruption column, which is the cloud of gas that is suspended and emitted during an explosive volcanic eruption. This cloud caused major climate problems througout the world by lowering temperates and coining the terms "A Year Withoug a Summer", "Poverty Year", and "Eighteen Hundred and Froze to Death" in 1816. It also had a huge negative effect on plants and terrain worldwide causing harvest failures everywhere. All vegetation was destoyed on the island, and pumice ash washed across the sea forming rifts up to three miles. The eruption took place in April and smoke was still being emitted in late August. Even more rumblings and aftershock were still being heard until August of 1819. Approximately 71,000 people perished in this insane eruption. Not all human beings died from the volcano ittself. A large number of people died from starvation and disease. Here is a quick video about the eruption

About 38 years ago in 1815, there was a horrible volcanic eruption that took place far away. In Charlotte Bronte's newest novel entitled Villette, she alludes to this catastrophe while describing the horrors of a terrible storm. "...that we often at the same time hear of disturbed volcanic action in distant parts of the world; rivers suddenly rushing over their banks; and of strange high tides flowing furiously in low sea-coast...the feeble amongst us with in her distempered breath, rushing hot from steaming volcanoes." (Bronte) Similar to these storms, diseases, and volcanoes we know not much from where they come, but that they very often end in death. Living in a time of such uncertainty makes anyone question the darkest cloud or the slightest cough. In Charlotte Bonte's novel she conveys the fears that are possessed by the masses all over England. Having experienced the painful death of her aunt, who was to care for her and her sisters after the death of her mother, while at boarding school, this novel is loosely based on some of the trials she has faced. Villette is a potent and sophisticated piece of writing by the young Charlotte, and it gives fantastic insight of what its like to be a female in today's reign of Queen Victoria, God bless the Queen. 

Works Cited

"1815 eruption of Mount Tambora." Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation,  September 3,2020, Accessed September 6, 2020

"Charlotte Bronte." Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, September 5, 2020,

Bronte, Charlotte.(1853) Villette. [online] United Kingdom: Smith, Edler & CO. Avalible from: Cove Studio [accessed September 2020].