
Weymouth is a small vacation town that sits on the coast. It is important to Austen because she used to write to Cassandra, who was staying in Weymouth and "[made] fun of the town's mundane problems rather than its celebrity culture or gossip" (Easton 152). It is refered to as the vacation spot where Tom Bertram met John Yates in Weymouth, when Mr. Yates was disappointed in his first attempt to act in a private theatrical of Lovers' Vows.

Easton, Celia A. "Seduction and Seducers in English Spa Towns: Jane Austen's Opportunity of Place." Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, vol. 40, 2018, p. 104+. Gale Literature Resource Center, https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A595143489/LitRC?u=sand82993&sid=LitRC&xi.... Accessed 24 Nov. 2020.

Austen, Jane. Mansfield Park, edited by June Sturrock, 2nd ed., Broadview Press, 2020.

Weymouth and Melcombe Regis seafront  from Weymouth as a Watering Place  published by Simpkin & Marshall (1857)


Latitude: 50.609930600000
Longitude: -2.454625300000