Colleoni Equestrian Statue Monument Inauguration

After being chosen as the winner of the Colleoni equestrian statue monument, Verrocchio spent five years working on the statue until he died in 1488. By this time, Da Vinci no longer lived in Venice, as he had moved to Milan in 1482 to work for Lodocivo Sforza, the Duke of Milan. As such, the state of Venice handed off the Colleoni monument project to Da Vinci's competitor, Alessandro Leopardi, who was a sculptor and architect (Kulenovic and von Platten). Using Verrocchio and Da Vinci's initial designs as well as his own, Leopardi finished the monument and placed his name on the statue base. Finally, the Colleoni equestrian statue monument was inaugurated in 1496 and still stands, as a feat of art and engineering, in front of the San Giovanni e Paolo church today.

Kulenovic, R., & Von Platen, F. (n.d.). Questions Concerning the Equestrian Statue in Remembrance of the Condottiere Bartolemeo Colleoni in Venice Created in the Workshop of Andrea Del Verrocchio. Retrieved from

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