Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance

This timeline will support a 6-credit study-abroad program for Purdue's Honors College occurring in Paderno del Grappa, Florence and Venice over May 2019. It will be created by the 21 students joining Dino Franco Felluga in Italy for the course. 


The earliest clear influence in the playing mechanism of the viola organista does not necessarily come from bowed instruments themselves. Rather, the hurdy-gurdy is a more concrete example of the method of sound generation that da Vinci was searching for. The hurdy-gurdy is an instrument similar to a violin, with a hand crank to vibrate the strings and keys to signify specific notes. While the instrument was depicted in various forms throughout the 12th century, the first manuscript detailing how to divide the tuning into a diatonic scale was released in the 13th century, titled the Quomodo Organistrum Construatur. The author of this piece is debated, as the person it is often attributed to, Odo of Cluny, died centuries before the volume was completed. Separate instruments including various combinations of wheel-cranks and keys were combined and refined in this document. These instruments were likely used for newly written polyphonic music in Catholic monasteries, including ones in Italy. One string was typically designated for drones, allowing for much easier creation of polyphonic parts, as the player did not need to actively play the string separately because of the unified hand-crank.

Severini, G. (2018, December 17). Organistrum / Symphonia keyboard in Santiago de Compostela cathedral. Retrieved from liuteriaseverini.it/index.php?…...

Hurdy-gurdy (Medieval). (n.d.). Retrieved May 14, 2019, from caslabs.case.edu/medren/mediev…

Hurdy-Gurdy [Digital image]. (2005, February 17). Retrieved from pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plik:Hur…

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by Christopher Embry


Verge and Foliet Clock

circa. 1280 to circa. 1280

The Verge and Foliet are the first escapements to be used to construct the first mechanical clocks. Using a notched wheel and a rod wih two plates, the rotational motion of the wheel can be controlled and regulated into small ticks. These escapements were used in all clocks until the pendulum was introduced, and da Vinci used these mechanisms in his own clockwork.

Associated Places

Dover Castle Clock
Salisbury Cathedral Clock
Dover Castle Clock Mechanism
Salisbury Cathedral Clock Mechanism
St. Mark's Clock

by Eric Liu


In 1296 the Florence Duomo began construction. Florentines desired a symbol to showcase the power and status of their city, and at this time there was no better way to do that than to create one of the largest and most immaculate cathedrals in the world. The duomo at its beginning had a Florentine Gothic style, until its reconstruction under Brunelleschi, when it transformed to more of a Renaissance style.

Source: Leonardo da Vinci in Florence: On the Lantern. (n.d.). Retrieved from erenow.net/biographies/leonard…...

Associated Places

The Florence Duomo

by Marissa White


Oil Paint as a Medium

circa. 1400 to circa. 1400

Up until the 15th century, the most common medium for painting was tempura paint. Tempura paint dries very quickly, meaning artist using tempura could not easily blend colors. Tempura paintings have been found from about 3000 BC. on early Egyptian sarcophagi decorations, thus showing how long tempura had been the most common medium. This shows monumental the transition from tempura to oil paint truly was. Oil paint began to make its way to Europe in the 12th century but was not widely adopted until the 15th century. The appeal to oil paint was that it dried slowly which allowed artist to continually work the paint. This allowed for artist to blend the paints thus allowing for softened transitions between colors, and results in a more accurate depiction of shading. The technique spread to Italy in the late 1400's starting in Venice and by 1540 oil painting completely dominated as the most popular medium - tempura was no longer being used at all. Oil paints often only came in a few premade colors, there artists had to mix small amounts of colors to create more shades, often done on a wooden palette. The crescent shaped wooden palette that is typically a symbol of an art, is in reference to oil painters. 

Sources: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tempera    



Image retrieved from Wikimedia Commons:  commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Fil…


Associated Places

A Painter's Palette

by Cara McCormick


In 1418, Brunelleschi is hired to build the dome. The former cathedral ceiling was worn down and leaked often. Brunelleschi's vison for a dome top was a new concept and was not at first embraced because of the engineering challenges it engages. Eventually, however, his plan went through and he was able to begin construction on the dome.

Associated Places

The Florence Duomo

by Marissa White

Wars in Lombardy:

1425 to 1454

The wars in Lombardy were a series of struggles between the Republic of Venice and the Duchy of Milan, leading to the five major Italian territorial powers that make up the map of Italy until the Italian Wars (i.e., Venice, Milan, Florence, Naples, and the Papacy). The wars ravaged the economy of Lombardy and weakened the power of Venice. The Peace of Lodi in 1454 brought 40 years of comparative peace to Northern Italy. This is the time of the Medici rule of Florence, first Cosimo de’ Medici, then Piero “the Gouty,” then Lorenzo Il Magnifico.  The death of Lorenzo marked the end of the Golden Age of Renaissance Florence. Both Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo Buonarroti were active (and tied to Lorenzo) during this period. In 1428, Venice acquired Brescia and Bergamo as a result of this struggle.

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by Dino Franco Felluga


Leonardo da Vinci

15 Apr 1452

  Leonardo da Vinci was born April 15, 1452 in Vinci, Italy. As a child he did not have any special formal education, but when he was a teenager his father recognized his artistic talent and arranged for him to be trained under the famous artist Andrea del Verrochio from Florence. From this apprenticeship he was introduced to many technical skills such as metal working, as well as improving his painting and sculpting techniques. Since he was a scientist, artist, and inventor among many other things, his knowledge of many disciplines gave him the title of a Renaissance Man. His most famous paintings are the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper, and he is also recognized for his study of human anatomy and his many inventions. He died at 67 in the year 1519. Image source: Wikimedia commons, listed as public domain in the United States because it is a photographic reproduction of a public domain work of art. 

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by Juliana Ilmain


The fall of Constantinople marked the end of the Byzantine Empire after ten centuries of war. The Ottoman Turks defeated felled the city and ended the European Middle Ages. 

The Byzantine Empire had been a bastion of Christian Europe facing Muslim Asia. The Ottoman Turks were expanding their empire and saw Constantinople as a center of the rival Christian faith and a symbol of imperial power. 

Constantinople had held off many attempts to destroy or capture it but was declining in power over the years. Mehmed II set out to take the city in the spring of 1453 and used the sea to gain access to the city. Initial attacks failed, but on May 29th, Mehmed launched attacks from the sea and the land simultaneously.  The Ottomans were finally able to overwhelm the defenses due to the use of gunpowder-powered cannons. After gaining access past the walls, the Ottomans killed the emperor and massacred the citizens. 

Mehmed rode a white horse down streets that ran with blood to Hagia Sophia, the city's famed cathedral. He used the cathedral as a mosque to say prayers of thanks for the victory. 

The fall of Constantinople was important because it was a watershed moment in military history. The city had defended itself with walls and ramparts since ancient times. These fortifications were used as the model of many later cities. The end of the Byzantine Empire marks the end of the Medieval period.  

Bunting, Tony. “Fall of Constantinople.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 22 May 2018, www.britannica.com/event/Fall-of-Constantinople-1453.

“Fall of Constantinople.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 2 May 2019, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fall_of_Constantinople.

Associated Places


by Lindsay Rubin


The Treaty of Lodi was the peace agreement between Milan, Naples, and Florence. It was signed in Lodi, Lombardy by Milan, Venice, and Florence. It ended the Wars in Lombardy.  The treaty established boundaries between Milanese and Venetian territories in northern Italy.  The balance of power was established and excluded the smaller states. A second agreement was signed August 30th in Venice. The purpose of this agreement was establishing principles of non-aggression.

The Treaty of Lodi was significant because it brought Milan and Naples into a definitive peace alliance with Florence. The treaty provided a new state system model and institutionalized a regional balance of power built on diplomacy.  However, the balance of power was disrupted in 1494 with the start of the Italian Wars.  

“Treaty of Lodi.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 24 Sept. 2018, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Lodi.

Associated Places


by Lindsay Rubin


Paolo Uccello was an Italian painter who died just before the Renaissance. In one of his last paintings titled The Hunt in the Forest, we can see perspective beginning to appear in art. Uccello's piece also is a great example of how plants and trees were painted during the pre-Renaissance. His plants show variation and stand out from each other, but they still don't look like a real tree. Uccello's plants in the foreground also still maintain the symbolic look rather than the realistic look that would appear during the Renaissance.

Image from Wikimedia Commons, commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Paolo_Uccello_The_Hunt_in_the_Forest.jpg. This image is under common domain and free use.

Associated Places

Paolo Uccello's The Hunt in the Forest

by Kayla Cole

Lorenzo de Medici, the grandson of Cosimo de Medici, came to power in 1469. Lorenzo is thought of as the most powerful patron of the Medici family and is remembered as the greatest patron in the history of Italy. Some of the talent Lorenzo sponsored as a patron includes Michelangelo Buonarroti and Leonardo da Vinci, two of the most famous people in history. Under Lorenzo's rule, Florence earned its reputation as the most beautiful city in Europe. Additionally, the economy of Florence prospered like never before. 

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by Mara Kossoff


"The Baptism of Christ" was commissioned to Verrochio by the monks of San Salvi, a church located in Florence. It is thought that the painting was worked on by Verrocchio, DaVinci, and possibly one other older artist. At the time it was very common for artist to paint the main figure and leave the secondary figures to their pupils. It is thought an older artist may have painted the dove and the hands for the appear to be less developed than the rest of the painting. DaVinci is known to have painted the left angel in the painting as well as Jesus' figure and parts of the background.  In the background it can be seen that DaVinci began to play with sunlight, mist and shadows giving the painting three-dimensional feel, while the parts of the background Verrocchio did, such as the trees, have more of a static feel. DaVinci used oil paint for his parts of the painting. Oil paints allowed DaVinci to create smoother transitions and gradients between his colors, creating a more realistic look. These smooth transitions can be seen in the shadows and shading of Verrocchio’s parts of the painting, such as the hair of the angel and the shading of Jesus’s body. Something unique DaVinci did was give his angel’s face emotion as well as have the angel be paying attention to the main event of the painting. At the time is was not common for secondary figures to display either of these things. Most secondary figures were depicted like Verrocchio’s angel, staring off bored into the distance. This is just another aspect displaying how ahead of his time DaVinci truly was.

Source: www.leonardodavinci.net/the-ba…;

image was found on Wikimedia commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Fil…

Associated Places

San Salvi

by Cara McCormick


The First Work: "La Valle dell'Arno"

5 Aug 1473 to 5 Aug 1473

The first of his drawings, Da Vinci sketched "La Valle dell'Arno" when he was 21. It is one of the first pieces to show a landscape without any religious symbols or human. With the Renaissance occurring at this time, it only goes to show how daring Da Vinci was in terms of separating the church from the artistic and scientific aspects of life. Instead, viewers see an approximately to scale scene of the Arno Valley and without any elements beings completely distorted to show how God may see the world. This was an essential development as maps at this time were influenced by artists' views and Da Vinci showed that not everything needed to have a relation to God or the church. Additionally, it encouraged the idea that scale can be shown in an image with human viewers in mind, thus there should be a direct relationship between the actual landscape and that drawn.

Source: “Landscape Drawing for Santa Maria Della Neve - by Leonardo Da Vinci.” Leonardodavinci.net, www.leonardodavinci.net/landscape-drawing-for-santa-maria-della-neve.jsp.

Associated Places

The First Work: "La Valle dell'Arno"
Florence, Italy

by Chloe Romero


Cesare Borgia is born around 1475. Leonardo da Vinci would later be a patron of Borgia from 1502 to 1503.

Mallett, Michael Edward. “Cesare Borgia.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 28 Mar. 2019, www.britannica.com/biography/Cesare-Borgia-duke-of-Valentinois.

Associated Places

Cesare Borgia's Birthplace and Home

by Ben Hardin

  In recent times, X-rays have been done on the painting 'The Baptism of Christ' that reveal a completely different outline for the angel that DaVinci painted. This indicates DaVinci followed his own vision rather than his master's from very early on in his career (he was only in his early 20's at this time). Often times people say Davinci's angel stands out from the rest of the painting for it is significantly better, as it is far more realistic and detailed. After seeing DaVinci's detailed and far superior angel in their painting "The Baptism of Christ", Verrocchio became embarrassed and ashamed that his pupil was a better artist than him. It is said that after realizing this he vowed, out of shame, to give up painting for the rest of his life. This rang true, as "The Baptism of Christ" is Verrocchio's last known painting. He continued work as an artist but focused on drawing and sculptures. After this time Verrocchio completed some of his best works such as "The Doubting Thomas" located outside the OrsanMichele in Florence or the "Equestrian statue of Bartolomeo Colleoni" in Venice, Italy.

Sources:  www.leonardo-da-vinci.net/bapt…

Image was found on Wikipedia upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia…


Associated Places

Verrocchio's David

by Cara McCormick


Leonardo da Vinci demonstrated a thorough understanding of structural reciprocity not just through his arched bridge design, but also through his design of complex geometric structures that could form domes or roofs. He was one of the first scientists in the West to propose complex architectural designs composed of reciprocal structures that extended into three dimensional space. This was revolutionary for the time, as much of Western architecture was predicated upon hierarchical, rather than reciprocal, logic. In the Codex Atlanticus, da Vinci proposed a series of six designs of interconnected, reciprocal geometric shapes. Though the exact date of these designs is not identified, they most likely informed or went hand-in-hand with da Vinci’s work on the arched bridge. Both indicate that da Vinci was thinking about space in innovative ways that no engineers or architects had done before.


Pugnale, A., & Sassone, M. (2014). Structural Reciprocity: Critical Overview and Promising Research/Design Issues. Nexus Network Journal, 16(1), 9-35. Retrieved May 16, 2019, from link.springer.com/article/10.1…

Taddei, M. (2006). [Unique edition of the Codex Atlanticus as a box. Made by Mario Taddei in the 2007]. Retrieved May 16, 2019, from www.mariotaddei.net_' onclick='void(0)'>commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Fil…(27b).jpg

Photo, taken from Wikimedia Commons, is free to use under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 License.

Associated Places

Leonardo da Vinci's Sketches of Structurally Reciprocal Designs

by Katherine Li


Leonardo Da Vinci heavily contributed to Verrocchio's Colleoni equestrian statue monument from both an artistic and structural engineering standpoint. Artistically, his anatomical studies of horses and his notebook entries of the horse's frame by frame movements impacted the Colleoni monument design (Kulenovic and von Platen). In particular, his sketches of the horse's suspended leg and warrior's face are reflected in the monument design. His engineering principles relating to structural stability of the horse with only three ground points are seen through his splitting of the horse into two parts, his idea of removing the inner structure and casting each individual piece into bronze, and the running of a tension bean through the two parts of the horse from the tail to the front of the harness to hold it together (Kulenovic and von Platen). By saving bronze, he saved money and decreased the weight of the horse, which improved stability. The Colleoni monument served as one of the first representations of Da Vinci's ability to combine art and engineering principles.


Kulenovic, R., & Von Platen, F. (n.d.). Questions Concerning the Equestrian Statue in Remembrance of the Condottiere Bartolemeo Colleoni in Venice Created in the Workshop of Andrea Del Verrocchio. Retrieved from www.museumldv.com/venice.htm

Associated Places

Da Vinci's sketch and measurements of waking horse's suspended leg
Da Vinci's sketch of warrior's face
Model of the Two Piece Design and Tension Rod of the Colleoni Equestrian Monument

by Juliana Sarisky

Leonardo da Vinci’s Catapult

circa. 1480 to circa. 1490

Within the time of the Renaissance, significant revolutionary developments in the applications, properties, and laws of universal sciences were sought and attempted to be explained.  As such, in specifically analyzing the mechanical properties of systems and the universal laws of motion, leading Renaissance man, Leonardo da Vinci, sought to investigate his fascination with motion by exploring the principle functionalities and fundamental qualities of moving apparatuses.  Believing that both machines and humans were systems designated to move, da Vinci experimentally evaluated physical phenomena and visually depicted his theoretical models within his prized and unpublished, Codex Atlanticus, the principal manuscript collections that pertain to his designed machines and mechanisms.  Within his investigations of motion, he was noted for investigating the frictional and angular properties of what Aristotle had once coined as “simple machines,” such as inclined planes, levers, screws, pulleys, axels, and wheels, but was notably distinct in further attempting to improve complex machines with his new understandings of the principles of motion.  By essentially deriving and comprehending Newton’s First Law of motion, with his exception being his ignorance regarding the properties of gravity, da Vinci was able to utilize his preliminary knowledge of torque, tension forces, and angular motion to reimagine and theoretically explore an improved and ideal catapult design. 

By the Renaissance era, catapults had already established themselves as one of the most valued weapons of the Eastern Hemisphere, and although gunpowder had become a new staple of warfare mechanics, da Vinci understood that this new substance was not completely reliable during his time and led him to attempt to innovatively explore his studies of motion while proposing innovative and improved designs for the previously created catapult.  Thus, after settling in Milan and working as a Renaissance defense contractor under his patron, Il Moro, da Vinci worked diligently in drafting mechanical military and designs that explored his idealized properties of complex technical processes, which included the catapult.  Da Vinci is known to have developed two designs, the single and double arm system, for his ideal catapult, each of which utilized what is referred to as the leaf-spring system to optimize the weapon’s accuracy and power.  Da Vinci’s new designs distinguishably improved the preceding catapults by incorporating a rotating drum rather than a bow and draw-string.  Regarding the motion of the launch arm, the systems were said to have increased rotational velocity and an optimization of angular momentum using bending leaf spring sections which would provide an overexerted physical force upon the release of the systems activation mechanism.  Arguably the most imperative aspect to the functionality of da Vinci’s catapult is the leaf spring system which is a pliable, flexible beam constructed though the layered stacking of sheets of metal or laminated wood.  When constructing these leaf springs, it is imperative that, as the layers are stacked, their length decreases linearly to improve the density of material in the beam’s center, making the edges of the leaf spring more flexible.  With this design, when assembled, the leaf spring apparatus can achieve greater curvature and thus more effective propellant power.

The primary distinction between the single and the double arm catapult designs is the incorporation of pawl and rachet system and worm gear system.  In analyzing the single arm catapult, the weapon’s pawl and rachet system would secure the launch arm to its lowered position by situating grooves of a flywheel to the arm’s tines while bending the singular leaf spring.  This was imperative in avoiding accidental ejections and unwanted injuries common with previously developed catapults.  Furthermore, the double arm system would use a winding, worm gear system that would rely on two leaf springs to create torsion tension while gradually positioning the throwing arm to a lowered position.  The use of two leaf arms unfolding outwards had the cumulative effect of distributing immense and significant power to the launch arm thereby applying a large centrifugal acceleration to the projectile relative to the rotating launch arm. 


With this illustrative depiction of utilizing rotational motion to optimize the launching mechanisms of the familiar catapult, da Vinci was said to have created the most effective and mechanically efficient catapult ever invented.  This system, if scaled correctly, was projected to fire objects to a range of approximately one quarter mile.  However, the design contained a plethora of disadvantages that prevented its ultimate creation.  For example, the construction of steel leaf springs would have been extremely cost inefficient due to the expensive nature of acquiring multiple steel plates less than a millimeter thick, mortars were simultaneously developed by da Vinci which created a greater force of impact to enemy armies and were more cost-effective, and the extreme velocity applied by the contorting leaf springs would have eventually decreased the structural rigidity of these springs and resulted in an eventual snapping that could have resulted in catapult operators’ deaths or significant injuries.  Nevertheless, da Vinci’s catapult continues to represent the culmination of his infatuation with investigating the physical properties of perpetual motion devices.


Catapult Model: Leonardo da Vinci’s Catapult Model. (n.d.). Retrieved May 6, 2019, from www.leonardodavincisinventions…...

Hucbald, H. (2007, April 14). A Leonardo da Vinci Leaf Spring Catapult. Retrieved May 6, 2019, from www.hucbald.ramst.ca/articles/…

Isaacson, W. (2018). Leonardo Da Vinci. New York: Simon & Schuster Paperbacks.

Leonardo Da Vinci's Life: Da Vinci’s Catapult. (n.d.). Retrieved May 6, 2019, from www.davincilife.com/catapult.h…

Moon, F. C. (2016). Machines of Leonardo Da Vinci and Franz Reuleaux: Kinematics of Machines from the Renaissance to the 20th century. Place of publication not identified: SPRINGER.

Associated Places


by Benjamin Koszyk


Leonardo da Vinci's Clockworks

circa. 1480 to circa. 1519

Da Vinci drew and developed many components of clocks, and some designs of entire clocks. These include a variety of gears and escapements, a very accurate three-dial clock for his time, and an alarm clock.

Associated Places

St. Mark's Clocktower
Da Vinci's "Clock at Chiaravalle"
Da Vinci Gear Designs
Worm Gear and Slide Crank
St. Mark's Clock

by Eric Liu


Taking with him the lessons he learned from the Colleoni monument creation under Verrocchio to Milan, Da Vinci dared to dream bigger and create a more impressive equestrian statue. Even before he moved to Milan, there were discussions about his creation of this impressive monument. In 1482, Da Vinci accepted the challenge to build the greatest equestrian statue as a monument to Francesco Sforza, the father of Lodocivo Sforza, the Duke of Milan (Grierson, 1959).


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by Juliana Sarisky

Verrocchio worked on his clay model of the Colleoni monument from 1479 to 1483 in competition with other great sculptors of the time. Since Da Vinci began working with Verrocchio in 1466, he played a great role in the creation of this clay model. Da Vinci studied the anatomy of horses, and thus created many detailed sketches for the Colleoni monument. In 1483, Verrocchio's clay model and plans for the statue were chosen as the winner of the competition for the Colleoni monument. Da Vinci's idea for the bronze saving casting process was said to have played a major role in the choosing of Verrocchio's clay model (Kulenovic and von Platten).

Kulenovic, R., & Von Platen, F. (n.d.). Questions Concerning the Equestrian Statue in Remembrance of the Condottiere Bartolemeo Colleoni in Venice Created in the Workshop of Andrea Del Verrocchio. Retrieved from www.museumldv.com/venice.htm

Associated Places

Model of the Two Piece Design and Tension Rod of the Colleoni Equestrian Monument

by Juliana Sarisky

While da Vinci is known for designing a simple helicopter, he also made a sketch for a flotation device, better known today as a parachute. He stated "if a man has a tent made of linen of which the apertures [openings] have all been stopped up, and it be twelve braccia [about 23 feet] across and twelve in depth, he will be able to throw himself down from any great height without suffering any injury." The design consisted of sealed linen cloth around the sides of a pyramid with a square base. It differed from modern parachute designs, as these are typically rounded and include a harness. The notebook in which this sketch was included was dated 1483. Like many of his designs, it was likely never tested during his lifetime.

Source and Image Source:
Leonardo Da Vinci's Life. (n.d.). Retrieved May 11, 2019, from www.davincilife.com/davincis-p…

Associated Places

Parachute Design by da Vinci

by Nicole Geer


Theophrastus (371 - 287 BC) was a student of Aristotle and is attributed with the title as the father of botany. Theophrastus wrote books on botany such Enquiry into Plants and On the Causes of Plants. In these books, he worked to categorize plants into the groups, study their uses and how to grow them and took note on the anatomy of plants. Based on Theophrastus work we can see how early botanical study revolved around the idea of the usefulness of the plant and trying to create basic distinctions between different plant types. Bartolomeo Confalonieri was the first to print Theophrastus's books in 1483 while in Treviso which allowed much of Europe to learn about his findings. Though it is not known for sure, Theophrastus writing would have been available prior to Leonardo's observations of plants and could have been read by the artist.

Associated Places

Confalonieri Prints in Treviso

by Kayla Cole

From 1484 to 1485, the Black Death swept through Milan, where Leonardo was living at the time. Several outbreaks occurred in a short period of time. The narrow and crowded city streets helped with the spread of disease, and in the end, about one third of Milan's population had been killed. It was this devastation that inspired da Vinci to make plans for a better city, and ideal city. Leonardo worked for several years to perfect the designs. The ideal city would have two levels. The lower level would feature a series of canals to be used for transportation of people & goods, it would also be used as a sewage system. The upper level would be the picturesque part of the city, with wide roads and extravagant buildings. Tradesmen and lower class workers would travel on the bottom level, while higher class gentlemen would be on the top roads. Though da Vinci's plans were a detailed and well thought out design for a more sanitary city, they were never put to use, as it would have required a complete rebuild of the city.

Sources: www.fastcompany.com/90163788/t…


Photo Source: www.fastcompany.com/90163788/t…

Associated Places


by Allison Skadberg


Da Vinci Sketches the Viola Organista

circa. 1488 to circa. 1488

Preserved notebooks and sections of the Codex Atlanticus provide various sketches of da Vinci’s concept for a keyboard that can imitate a bowed string instrument. As there were various iterations of the design, the instrument evolves over time. Originally utilizing a mechanized bow, the sketches evolved to include a foot-pedal that controlled wheels to play the strings and ended with a system that would lower individual strings onto an automatic belt in order to make sound. In all, six pages across various manuscripts would be dedicated to the instrument, although none contained enough detail for craftsmen to build a working model from the drawings alone.

The Organista would never be made by da Vinci, as many of these drawings are incomplete. An early sketch of the instrument that utilized a mechanized bow did not show how that bow would be affixed to the instrument. Some drawings included double strings attached to each key (as opposed to the typical one per key), likely to increase the volume of the instrument. Ultimately, da Vinci’s drawings were rather difficult to decipher when attempting to envision a singular model of the device.

Raccolta Vinciana. (n.d.). Retrieved May 14, 2019, from bibdig.museogalileo.it/Teca/PD…...

Da Vinci, L. (2011, March 16). Viola organista [Digital image]. Retrieved from commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Fil…

Associated Places

Viola Organista Sketches from the Codex Atlanticus

by Christopher Embry


On June 24, 1490, Leonardo da Vinci had dinner with another artist, Giacomo Andrea, to discuss the "Vitruvian Man". Andrea showed da Vinci his sketches, which would provide a foundation for da Vinci's drawing. Some time after, da Vinci finished his own famous sketch, illustrating the perfects proportions of the human body. This sketch also has many religious and mathematical implications. 

Source: Isaacson, Walter. “Vitruvian Man”. Leonardo Da Vinci. Simon & Schuster, 2017.

Photo Source: commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Fil…

Associated Places

Pavia, Italy
Inspirations for the Vitruvian Man
da Vinci's Vitruvian Man

by Alexa Lahey


Da Vinci's initial works contained too abstract ideas and could not be cast into bronze with a single pour, retendering them incompletable. In his first two main designs, he had a horse rearing up over a fallen foe (Hanson, 2012). Although the fallen foe aided with the stability of the horse, it prohibited a single pour casting. His third design significantly differed from the other two, as it did not contain the fallen foe and was in a frozen trot with two suspended legs (Hanson, 2012). By 1490, Da Vinci began more intense work on the monument and completed a 24-foot clay model of a more detailed version of his third design by 1493, which sat in the Cortile Vecchio of the Castello at Milan (Grierson, 1959). Before Da Vinci’s attempt with his clay horse, no one had created such an equestrian statue with two suspended legs. One suspended leg, as in the Colleoni monument, poses a great challenge with stabilizing the center of gravity; having two suspended legs further heightens this challenge. 

To account for the instability of the statue with two airborne legs and to protect it against several environmental factors, Da Vinci had an intricate structure of the horse. He designed the inside of the horse to have a steel “skeletal structure,” essentially trusses within the horse, and thick metal walls (Ahl, 1995, p. 136). Even though such framing led to other problems, it miraculously maintains the structure of the horse. Such a comprehensive design stands as a feat for the 1400s and 1500s. 


Ahl, D. (1995). Leonardo da Vinci's Sforza monument horse: The art and the engineering. Bethlehem [Pa.]: London; Cranbury, NJ: Lehigh University Press; Associated University Presses.


Hanson, E. J. (2012). Inventing the sculptor: Leonardo da Vinci and the persistence of myth (Doctoral dissertation, Washington University) [Abstract]. All Theses and Dissertations (ETDs),765. doi: doi.org/10.7936/K7PN93MQ

Associated Places

Cortile Vecchio of the Castello at Milan

by Juliana Sarisky


In 1494 Luca Pacioli (a Franciscan monk and geometer) traveled to Venice to publish Summa de arithmetica, geometria, proportioni et proportionalita, which had the goal of being a comprehensive summary of mathematical knowledge at the time. Almost none of the mathematics featured was Pacioli’s original work, but he did give credit to those who produced the results he mentioned, which included thinkers like Euclid, Boethius, Sacrobosco, and Fibonacci . It had a completely summary of Euclid’s Elements and it studied games of chance (Pacioli presented an attempt at a solution to a problem in this subject which was later deemed incorrect). A revolutionary aspect of this text is that it was published in Italian (the vernacular), not Latin.  The publishing of this work also established Pacioli’s name in the academic and intellectual communities at the time, most definitely catching the attention of da Vinci (who bought a copy as soon as it was published). It is reasonable to speculate that da Vinci recruited Pacioli to the Milan court because he was so impressed by this work.


Isaacson, Walter. Leonardo Da Vinci. Simon & Schuster Paperbacks, 2018.

“Luca Pacioli.” Luca Pacioli (1445-1517), School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of St. Andrews, Scotland, www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/Biographies/Pacioli.html.

The image source is Wikimedia Commons, and it is in the public domain in the United States because it was published (or registered with the U.S. Copyright Office) before January 1, 1924.

Associated Places

Venice, Italy

by Garrett Mulcahy


Second Italian War

1494 to 1498

The Second Italian War began when King Louis XII of France pressed his claim on the thrones of Milan and Naples. Louis had a claim to the thrones through his paternal grandmother and in 1499, he invaded Italy. He took Milan, Genoa, and Naples. 

When Duke Lodovico Sforza was overthrown, Leonardo da Vinci fled Milan with his assistant and friend to Venice. In Venice he was employed as a military architect and engineer. He designed methods of defending the city from naval attack. 

Louis was driven out of Naples in 1503 by Spain after a defeat at Cerignola. The battle of Cerignola was the first battle in history won by gunpowder small arms.

Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. “Italian Wars.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 4 Mar. 2016, www.britannica.com/event/Italian-Wars.

“Italian War of 1499–1504.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 3 Feb. 2019, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italian_War_of_1499%E2%80%931504.

Associated Places


by Lindsay Rubin


Da Vinci’s Last Supper was commissioned by Duke Ludovico Sforza for the refectory, a room used for communal meals, of the monastery of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan. In early 1494, Sforza had become the official Duke of Milan and he wanted to enhance his stature as well as create a mausoleum for himself and his family, so he commissioned da Vinci, a famous artist at the time, to paint this popular religious scene on the wall of this monastery.


Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper. (June 21, 2012). Retrieved from www.italianrenaissance.org/a-c…

Issacson, W. (2017). The Last Supper. In Issacson, W, Leonardo da Vinci. (pp. 273-292). New York, NY: Simon & Schuster

Image Source:

Da Vinci, L. (1495). Study for the last supper. [Sketch]. Retrieved from www.leonardodavinci.net/study-…

Associated Places

Santa Maria delle Grazie
Sketches of the Last Supper

by Leila Yanni


After being chosen as the winner of the Colleoni equestrian statue monument, Verrocchio spent five years working on the statue until he died in 1488. By this time, Da Vinci no longer lived in Venice, as he had moved to Milan in 1482 to work for Lodocivo Sforza, the Duke of Milan. As such, the state of Venice handed off the Colleoni monument project to Da Vinci's competitor, Alessandro Leopardi, who was a sculptor and architect (Kulenovic and von Platten). Using Verrocchio and Da Vinci's initial designs as well as his own, Leopardi finished the monument and placed his name on the statue base. Finally, the Colleoni equestrian statue monument was inaugurated in 1496 and still stands, as a feat of art and engineering, in front of the San Giovanni e Paolo church today.

Kulenovic, R., & Von Platen, F. (n.d.). Questions Concerning the Equestrian Statue in Remembrance of the Condottiere Bartolemeo Colleoni in Venice Created in the Workshop of Andrea Del Verrocchio. Retrieved from www.museumldv.com/venice.htm

Associated Places

San Giovanni e Paolo Church

by Juliana Sarisky

After arriving in Milan in 1496, Pacioli formed a very close connection with da Vinci in which he tutored da Vinci in mathematics. The two men had a deep friendship that transcended their mathematical endeavors; their notebooks include comments to one another like “Well Leonardo, you can do more of this on your own” and “learn the multiplication of roots from Maestro Luca." They also shared the task of providing entertainment to the Court of Milan; their entertainments included brainteasers, magic tricks, and riddles. Mathematically speaking, the duo shared a deep interest in geometric shapes. Pacioli successfully taught da Vinci the works of Euclid’s Elements and less successfully taught him arithmetic techniques like multiplying squares and square roots.  During this time, da Vinci created several sketches of polyhedra that would be featured in Pacioli’s publication De Divina Proportione. In 1499 the French invaded Milan and the pair was forced to flee the city, eventually settling in Florence (where they lived together).


“Leonardo Da Vinci.” Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519), School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of St. Andrews, Scotland, www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/Biographies/Leonardo.html.

Isaacson, Walter. Leonardo Da Vinci. Simon & Schuster Paperbacks, 2018.

“Luca Pacioli.” Luca Pacioli (1445-1517), School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of St. Andrews, Scotland, www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/Biographies/Pacioli.html.

The image source is Wikimedia Commons, and it is in the public domain in the United States because it was published (or registered with the U.S. Copyright Office) before January 1, 1924.

Associated Places

Ritratto di Luca Pacioli
Florence, Italy
Milan, Italy

by Garrett Mulcahy


Three years after the painting’s commission, Last Supper was completed. A digital reconstruction of what the painting might have looked like when it was finished reveals rich colors and captivating details that are barely visible today. da Vinci’s use of perspective in this painting is ingenious, and he was able to effectively use many new Renaissance techniques to create a vibrant and impactful masterpiece.

               The central vanishing point of the painting is directly behind Jesus’s head, drawing the viewer towards the main subject of the painting. Close examination reveals that da Vinci actually hammered a nail into the center of the wall and cut thin incisions radiating out that guided his painting lines and helped his accuracy. However, the perspective is not perfect because the painting is so large that it appears different depending on the viewer’s vantage point as the viewer is closer to some parts of the painting than others. To remedy this issue, da Vinci applied complex perspective, using a mix of natural and artificial perspective, as well as optical tricks to minimize distortion. He designed the painting so that the perspective appears perfect when viewed from a door in the right wall, where the monks entered the refectory. He then created an artificial ideal vantage point 30 feet from the wall, at eye level with Jesus, again emphasizing Jesus as the focus of the painting. In the painting, da Vinci used the table to hide the lines where the floor hits the back and side walls, and he painted a cornice that hides the fact that the ceiling doesn’t extend all the way above the table. This effective use of optical tricks and complex perspective shows “his mastery of complex rules of natural and artificial perspective, but it also shows his flexibility at fudging those rules when necessary” (Issacson p. 281).

               da Vinci also used newer painting ideas to create his masterpiece. Standard linear perspective had been well studied at the time, but “Leonardo’s most important contribution to the study of perspective was to broaden the concept to include not just linear perspective...but also ways of conveying depth through changes in color and clarity” (Issacson p. 274). Da Vinci included three windows in the back of the painting that look out into the far distance of a mountain range, and one can clearly see the blurriness and blueness of the mountains as a fantastic example of his aerial perspective. One can also see the impressive blue gradient of the sky, sfumato that adds to the realism of the painting. The windows extend the three dimensional space seemingly into infinity, contrasting the flatness of many previous paintings.

Jesus and the disciples surrounding him possess incredibly expressive emotion and vibrant, rippling movement. da Vinci continuously studied how to portray emotions using body language and gestures, believing that “‘a picture of human figures ought to be done in such a way as that the viewer may easily recognize, by means of their attitudes, the intentions of their minds’” (Issacson p. 282). Through his intensive human studies and detailed portrayal of his figures’ emotions, he uses the Renaissance concepts of naturalism and humanism to pay homage to the complexity of the human form and mind. da Vinci’s choice to not include any gold halos or gold background also helps focus on the human forms of the figures through its removal of anagogic space.

Finally, da Vinci incorporated the revolutionary concept of involving the viewer in the painting by adjusting the lighting in the painting – the light appears to come from an actual window high on the left wall of the refectory, which blends reality and imagination and involves the viewer in the painting.

               While da Vinci used many of these new and complex techniques, he also referenced past versions of The Last Supper through his decision to put all of the figures on the back side of the table. He was certainly capable of painting people on both sides of the table, but putting them all on one side maintains this tradition and does not shock viewers with its boldness. At the same time as he is referencing the past, he incorporates new ideas as the figure placement also allows the viewer to clearly see Jesus and each disciple’s face, body, and movements, emphasizing their emotions as da Vinci wanted and adding to the effect of the viewer being included in the painting.


Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper. (June 21, 2012). Retrieved from www.italianrenaissance.org/a-c…

Issacson, W. (2017). The Last Supper. In Issacson, W, Leonardo da Vinci. (pp. 273-292). New York, NY: Simon & Schuster

Image Sources:

Bando, K. (2016). Digital Reconstruction of The Last Supper. [Image]. Retrieved from www.leonardoresearch.com/The%2…

The Last Supper Perspective (n.d.) Retrieved from www.leonardodavinci.net/the-la…

Associated Places

Digital Reconstruction of the Last Supper
Perspective Lines in the Last Supper

by Leila Yanni


Da Vinci's clay model of the Sforza monument horse was a feat of engineering, with two horse legs suspended and a total height of 24 feet. It remained standing in the Cortile Vecchio of the Castello at Milan until it was destroyed in 1499. It is believed that when the French army came across the statue they brutally destroyed it, using it as "target practice" (Grierson, 1959, p. 40). The French army's destruction was the ultimate factor in the incompletion of the monument. Since Da Vinci died in 1519, he never recreated the clay model and his horse was not attempted until centuries later with greater advancements in technology. Thus, his brilliance and Renaissance combination of art and engineering were not fully realized and appreciated until centuries later.


Associated Places

Cortile Vecchio of the Castello at Milan

by Juliana Sarisky

First Italian War

1499 to 2504

In response to threats from the Republic of Venice and the Kingdom of Naples, Duke Ludovico Sforza of Milan invited France and Spain into Italy to protect Milan. The First Italian War began when Charles VIII, the French King, invaded Italy in 1494 in response to Sforza's request for aid. He took Naples but was driven out by Spain after Italy and Spain created an alliance against him. 

Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. “Italian Wars.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 4 Mar. 2016, www.britannica.com/event/Italian-Wars.

Associated Places


by Lindsay Rubin


In the late 1400s, Leonardo da Vinci created his aerial screw drawing in his notebook. Because da Vinci was so observant of nature and his surroundings, it is believed this design was partly based on his observations of the spinning of maple seeds as they fall to the ground. It also closely resembled Archimedes' screw used for irrigation purposes in 200 BC. This screw was used to move water from a canal or other water source to an area of higher ground. In order to power the aerial screw, four men, standing on the platform, are required to push the four wooden shafts in a circular motion. Da Vinci believed this would generate enough force to lift the machine into the air. He intended for the aerial screw to be made of reed, linen, and wire. Although he never created a physical model of this design, we now know that da Vinci's aerial screw would be too heavy to be lifted into the air. The force generated by the four men is not strong enough to overcome the strong pull of gravity from this heavy device. 

The aerial screw design is interesting because it contains no elements that resemble birds. Da Vinci realized wings enable birds to fly but wings are not required for flight. Ahead in his understanding of aerodynamics, da Vinci realized flight occurs due to the compression of air. He used this principle in his aerial screw design, which relies on the circular motion of the device compressing the air below and causing the top portion to lift.

Image Source:


Text Sources:

Capra, F. (2014). Learning from Leonardo: Decoding the notebooks of a genius.San Franciso: BK, Berrett-Koehler.

Foley, W. (1976). From da Vinci to the present—a review of airscrew theory for helicopters, propellers, windmills and engines.Paper presented at AIAA 9thFluid and Plasma Dynamics Conference, San Diego, CA.

Giacomelli, R. (1930). The aerodynamics of Leonardo da Vinci. The Journal of the Royal Aeronautical Society, 34(240), 1016-1038.

The Helicopter. (n.d.). Retrieved from www.leonardodavincisinventions….

Leonardo da Vinci: The aerial screw. (2017). Retrieved from www.elenco.com/wp-content/uplo….

Associated Places

Institut de France
Leonardo da Vinci's Aerial Screw

by Ali Jeffries


Leonardo da Vinci was a proficient engineer as well as artist, and among his designs was a bridge entirely supported by the parabolic arch underneath it. His notebook includes two illustrations of this arched bridge. He specified that the bridge, which would span the Golden Horn connecting Galata to Istanbul, would be 600 braccia long, which is equivalent to 366 m or 1200 ft; 400 braccia spanned the inlet itself, with 100 braccia over the land on either side. At its highest point, the arch would rise 70 braccia, or 43 m, above the water. While da Vinci was correct in asserting that a parabolic shape would offer extraordinarily strong support, the exact mathematical techniques required to build a bridge of this design were not developed until centuries later. These sketches, found in Manuscript L, are currently located at the Institut de France in Paris.


Atalay, B. (2013, January 22). LEONARDO’S BRIDGE: Part 2. “A Bridge for the Sultan”. Retrieved May 11, 2019, from blog.nationalgeographic.org/20…...

Books, Maps and Calligraphic documents in the Topkapi Museum. (n.d.). Retrieved May 12, 2019, from kilyos.ee.bilkent.edu.tr/~hist…

C. (2011, April 10). Bridge built using Leonardo da Vinci's design for a self supporting bridge.Retrieved May 12, 2019, from commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Fil… (Originally photographed 2011, April 10)

The image is from Wikimedia Commons and taken by user Cntrading. It is used with the Free Art License.

Associated Places

Galata and the Golden Horn
Sketches of Arched Bridge

by Katherine Li


Leonardo as a patron of Cesare Borgia

circa. Summer 1502 to circa. Spring 1503

In the summer of 1502, da Vinci was commissioned by Cesare Borgia to design military weapons/technology. He was appointed as Borgia's "senior military architect and general engineer." At this time, Borgia was at the height of his power and was seeking to gain control of the Papal States of Romagna and the Marches. Leonardo left Florence for 10 months and traveled, surveying the territories. It was also during this time that da Vinci created his designs for the machine gun. Due to his contact with Borgia, Leonardo also met Niccoló Machiavelli.

Heydenreich, Ludwig Heinrich. “Leonardo Da Vinci.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 28 Apr. 2019, www.britannica.com/biography/Leonardo-da-Vinci.

Associated Places

No places have been associated with this event

by Ben Hardin

Letter to Sultan Beyazid II of Istanbul

circa. 3 Jul 1502 to circa. 3 Jul 1503 The letter is dated July 3, but the year is not specified

While in Florence around 1502 or 1503, Leonardo da Vinci pursued a position as a scientist and engineer in the court of Sultan Beyazid II of Istanbul. To showcase his innovative ideas, he sent a “cover letter” to the Sultan proposing four projects: a windmill, a hydraulic pump, a bridge connecting Galata to Istanbul, and a suspension bridge across the Bosporus connecting Turkey and Asia. The bridge connecting Galata to Istanbul across the Golden Horn was da Vinci’s first formal proposal for a self-supporting arched bridge. As proposed, the bridge would be the longest single span bridge at the time and self supporting due to the parabolic shape of the arches underneath it. The sultan rejected this radical proposal and da Vinci’s design remained unused. The connection between this letter and da Vinci's sketches of the arched bridge design was established in 1952, as the letter, stored in the Istanbul National Archives, had been mislabeled and misattributed. The letter is now on display in the Topkapi museum in Istanbul.


Atalay, B. (2013, January 22). LEONARDO’S BRIDGE: Part 2. “A Bridge for the Sultan”. Retrieved May 11, 2019, from blog.nationalgeographic.org/20…...

Erik Cleves, K. (2014, April 8). [Galata]. Retrieved May 11, 2019, from commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Fil…(13971741453).jpg

The image was taken by Erik Cleves Kristensen and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license. It is provided through Wikimedia Commons.

Associated Places

Galata and the Golden Horn
Leonardo da Vinci's Letter to Sultan Beyazid II

by Katherine Li


The First Geometric Map

circa. Autumn 1502 to circa. Autumn 1502

Under the service of Pope Alexander VI’s son, Cesare Borgia, Leonardo Da Vinci was named “General Architect and Engineer”. The Pope wanted a paper visual of the land newly acquired by the Roman armies and wished to improve upon their defense. Thus, Da Vinci joined the troops in Imola and began his expedition there. The map created is believed to be one of the first geometric maps. This differed from medieval maps as it displayed no symbols of religion and displayed the world as accurately as possible according to measurements. However, one can see there are 8 lines protruding from the center of the map, which represent the winds, and within those sections, the map is further divided into 8 more sections. Historians believe this increased accuracy, as Leonardo created the map based on this viewing and measurements from the Palazzo Comunale, in the center of town, and did not have grid lines. What is also impressive is that not only were military details included, such as nearby towns and their distance, but so were older parts of the town. One theory is that Da Vinci based his map on an older map from 1473, thus the details were simply added from it. As far as historians know, this is the oldest map preserved of a town that still exists.

Source: “Leonardo Da Vinci (Vinci 1452-Amboise 1519) - A Map of Imola.” Royal Collection Trust, rct.uk/collection/912284/anbspmap-of-imola.

Associated Places

Imola, Italy
The First Geometric Map

by Chloe Romero


In 1503, Leonardo da Vinci was given a commission to create a portrait of Francesco del Giocondo's wife, Lisa Gherardini. He began work this year, and continued working on it until his death in 1519. It is believed that an assitant also painted the Mona Lisa del Prado in conjunction with the original, copying the original painting. 

Associated Places

Florence (Firenze)
Mona Lisa, Leonardo da Vinci (1503-1519)

by Brendan Murphy


Map of Valdichiana Valley

circa. 1503 to circa. 1503

This map was supposedly created when the Da Vinci was still in service of Cesare Borgia. Yet there is evidence that there was little military purpose. While the locations all have names, the rivers are detailed with names as well. Many believe that Da Vinci created the map to build a canal from Florence to the sea. Using the map created, one could plan a dam for Lake Chiana, allowing the canal to be used even during the dry season. Due to this fact, the map seems to serve a more commercial purpose. Alas, it could also be used for transporting soldiers and equipment as well. As the canal was never made, the purpose of the map, or the canal, is not truly known.


“Map of Tuscany and the Chiana Valley.” Web Gallery of Art, wga.hu/html_m/l/leonardo/13maps/2tuscany.html.

“A Map of the Valdichiana.” Royal Collection Trust, www.rct.uk/collection/912278/a-map-of-the-valdichiana.

Associated Places

Florence, Italy
Map of Valdichiana Valley

by Chloe Romero


Leda and the Swan

1503 to 1507

Leda and the Swan is a painting completed by Leonardo da Vinci in 1508. The completed work of art displays highly detailed images of plants. The plants da Vinci draws are unlike most of those seen in other artists paintings prior to this time. The Pre-Renaissance era of art marked a time when plants were shown as being distinct from each other but only slightly. Da Vinci was one of the first to portray plants in a very organic lifelike manner. In preparation for painting Leda and the Swan, Leonardo completed many studies and sketches of plants that then lead him to write down his observations in his notebooks. The original Leda and the Swan was lost but has since been recreated and now is displayed in the Uffizi.

image from Wikimedia Commons, commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Leda_Melzi_Uffizi.jpg and within the public domain and fair use.

Associated Places

Leda and the Swan

by Kayla Cole


The Mona Lisa had a very large effect on daVinci's contemporaries, especially Raphael. It can be seen in numerous Raphael paintings that he took large inspirtion from the portrait. His "Yound Woman with a Unicorn" is exremetly similar to the Mona Lisa, with folded hands, three quarter tilt, and mysterious smile. However, he also drew an early version of the Mona Lisa, as noticible differences between the sketch and the final product are evident. 

Associated Places

No places have been associated with this event

by Brendan Murphy


Leonardo da Vinci created designs for mortars that improved upon the current military technology.  Cannons of the day shot large, solid spheres. To increase the efficiency of the mortar, da Vinci designed projectiles that contained mini gunpowder shots. The shots were packed into petal-shaped iron pieces that formed a ball. The cannonball was loaded into the mortar and fired. da Vinci designed more effective projectiles including shells that exploded upon impact or scattered projectiles over an area. His drawing shows a front mortar firing bombs that explode on impact into a cloud of metal shrapnel. The back mortar loaded with stones or small-caliber iron balls that are fired at the enemy like grape-shot. One of his earlier designs was a mortar mounted on a boat for naval combat. His designs are thought to be the precursor to machine guns.   

Associated Places

Designs for Gun-Barrels & Mortars
Mortars Firing into a Fortress
Mortar for Fragmentation Bombs

by Lindsay Rubin


As an artist, da Vinci’s interest in geometry was rooted in the subject's application to aesthetics. It is for this reason that da Vinci was more invested in learning the “continuous” mathematics of shape as opposed to the “discrete” math of arithmetic. Since da Vinci viewed shapes as continuous, he found himself especially interested in the transformations of one shape to another. One can find evidence of this interest in da Vinci’s sketches of elevated polyhedra, where a polyhedron essentially explodes into another one. da Vinci also explored this idea of transformation in the plane through the task of squaring the circle, which is the task of creating a square with the same area as a given circle. His notebooks show a fixation with the task, eventually displaying 169 ways to do the procedure. In 1505 da Vinci set out to make a publication on the transformation of shapes; unfortunately, this publication never came to fruition, but this idea remained an obsession of him throughout the rest of his life.


Isaacson, Walter. Leonardo Da Vinci. Simon & Schuster Paperbacks, 2018. 

The image is from Wikimedia Commons and in the public domain. 

Associated Places

Elevated Icosidodecahedron

by Garrett Mulcahy


While working on his painting Leda and the Swan, Leonardo created several sketches of plants, such as A star-of-Bethlehem and other plants (c.1506-12), in order to better represent them within his painting.  Sketches These sketches show a high level of detail that later carries into his art and pays close attention to the form and structure of plants and how that can change for each one. These sketches have been collected and held on to by the Windsor Castle Royal Collection since the 17th Century.

Image from Wikimedia Commons, commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Leonardo_da_vinci,_Star_of_Bethlehem_and_other_plants.jpg. This image is under public domain and free use.

Associated Places

Windsor Castle Royal Collection

by Kayla Cole


Cesare Borgia, of whom Leonardo da Vinci was a patron, dies in a battle with rebels outside of Viana.

Associated Places

No places have been associated with this event

by Ben Hardin

Mapping a New World

circa. 1508 to circa. 1508

With the discovery of the Americas, new world maps had to be drawn and with the knowledge that the Earth is not flat, many cartographers struggled with the representing the continents as they physically were. Da Vinci took a new approach of making 2, 4-leaf clovers next to each other to create the map. For many, this was a revolutionary idea. The Arctic was shown as a sea and the Antarctic was shown as a continent, concepts that were newly discovered at that time as well. Additionally, Da Vinci was the first to use the word America. Most of his depiction was based on information from Amerigo Vespucci. Still, there were some in accuracies in the map as Da Vinci had not perfected the perspective needed. Europe is enlarged to a great degree. Da Vinci’s approach was a step in the right direction however, as the rectangular map was extremely inaccurate at that time, and even today.


Chepkemoi, Joyce. “What Was Leonardo's World Map?” WorldAtlas, 5 June 2017, worldatlas.com/articles/what-was-leonardo-s-world-map.html.

“Leonardo Da Vinci's Mappamundi.” ODT Maps, www.odtmaps.com/behind_the_maps/amundi-map-details.asp.

Associated Places

World Map

by Chloe Romero


In this year Luca Pacioli and Leonardo da Vinci’s joint work De Divina Proportione was published in Venice; this text focused on the role of proportions and ratios in architecture, art, anatomy, and math. Pacioli provided the mathematical content (again, most of his work was unoriginal) and da Vinci provided sixty illustrations of geometric figures. Each geometric figure was depicted in two ways: solid faces and then solid edges. The solid face representation was more typical of the time but was disadvantageous in the fact that it was difficult to get a sense of the whole shape. The other approach is the solid edge approach, in which each of the edges are emphasized and the sides are left “see through.” This was a novel approach to geometric representation at the time, although it is debated whether da Vinci invented this representation. It is also a possibility that he was sketching wooden figures of these shapes as constructed by Pacioli. In either case, da Vinci’s perfection of perspective certainly aided in the two-dimensional representation of these shapes. It is important to note that these geometric figures were the only sketches of da Vinci that were published during his lifetime.  


Isaacson, Walter. Leonardo Da Vinci. Simon & Schuster Paperbacks, 2018.

“Luca Pacioli.” Luca Pacioli (1445-1517), School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of St. Andrews, Scotland, www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/Biographies/Pacioli.html.

The image source is Wikimedia Commons, and it is in the public domain in the United States because it was published (or registered with the U.S. Copyright Office) before January 1, 1924.

Associated Places

Solid Edge Icosahedron
Solid Face Icosahedron
Venice, Italy

by Garrett Mulcahy


The Codex Leicester, later renamed the Codex Hammer, was one of da Vinci's many scientific journals. It was published in 1510 and its contence mainly focused on his ideas on water and the moon.  An interesting note about this text is the "mirror image" style it is written in, meaning that it should be read from right to left, appearing normally in its reflection.  The Codex als holds the record for the second largest price tag, purchased by Bill Gates in 1994 for $30.8 million dollars, making the manuscript also the only of da Vinci's journals to be privatly owned.

Associated Places

The Uffizi Galleries
Sketch of the Eastern Hemisphere of the Moon
the da Vinci Glow

by Corinne Evans


Leonardo da Vinci began his studies of the heart, specifically looking at the flow of blood through the aorta and closure of the aortic valve.  Da Vinci first noted in his studies that it was the heart that was the center of circulation, not the liver which was the belief at the time produced by anatomist Galen, whom da Vinci studied from. With this information, da Vinci continued to look deeper in the mechanics of the heart and wrote detailed descriptions of the blood flow. Da Vinci used his work with fluid dynamics and fluid drag in 1510 to help him describe the closure of the aortic valve in the heart.  In his notes, he wrote about how the blood pushed through the valve circles back around in dilated trunk of the aorta, currently known at the sinuses of Valsalva, to close the valves. An interesting point to make is that sinuses of Valsalva are named after Antonio Valsalva, who “discovered” them in the 1700s.

Originally, people believed the valve closed by blood back flowing into the aorta once the heart relaxes, pushing the valve closed. But Leonardo argued by saying “This would be impossible, because if the blood beats against the valves of the heart while they are wrinkled and folded, the blood that presses from above would press down and crumple the membrane.” He then devised an ingenious way to prove them wrong. Da Vinci used sculpting skills to create a glass heart model. Using water and grass seed in the model, he could visualize the flow around that valve. Unfortunately, like most of da Vinci’s work, his heart studies were not published at the time. His theory of the blood flow forming spiraling eddies to close the valves was not rediscovered or confirmed until 450 years later around 1960 by Brian Bellhouse at Oxford University.

Sources and Picture from:

 Isaacson, W. (2017). Leonardo da Vinci. New York: Simon and Schuster

Associated Places

Oxford University

by Christina Hetisimer


Heliocentric Theory

1514 to 1542

Although he was not the first to propose the concept, Copernicus is considered the father of the heliocentric model of the universe, claiming that the sun was the center of the universe rather than the sun.  This discovery was highly controversial, and Copernicus therefore published his work on his deathbed in fear of retribution from the church.  Along with this theory, he also incorrectly claimed that stars are immovable and Earth orbited in a sphere, however, his ideas were still revolutionary.  His ideas were also built upon by future scientists such as Brahe and Kepler who were able to mathematically fix some of Capernicus' miskates such as the distance of stars from Earth and the shape of a plant's orbital.  Similar to the invention of the telescope, Copernicus published his work after da Vinci's death, meaning the theories da Vinci made on the mood originated with the assumption that the Earth was the center of the universe.

Associated Places

No places have been associated with this event

by Corinne Evans


Moving the Arno: An Idealized Florence

circa. 1515 to circa. 1515

Returning to Florence, Da Vinci devised a scheme that would make the city more efficient. The main idea was straightening the Arno, likely to make it more geometrically pleasing to work with. He also added that there would be five total main streets, three running perpendicularly over the river and two running parallel to it. This would make the flow of traffic much more efficient and less confusing as there would be no twist and turns. The city limits would be bordered by a wall in the shape of a 11-sided polygon. On the bottom there are 9 names for the 9 gates Da Vinci added on this map, each at a different street and wall intersection except for one. When taking into account all of the different projects Da Vinci did in his lifetime, one may say that this project connected to his idea of a two-level city. This would only increase efficiency along the main streets. Alas, like many other Da Vinci ideas, this idealized city was never built.

Source: “A Schematised Plan of Florence.” Royal Collection Trust, www.rct.uk/collection/912681/a-schematised-plan-of-florence.

Associated Places

Florence, Italy

by Chloe Romero


In 1517, Leonardo was asked to design a new palace in France, where he had moved shortly after the fall of Sforza in 1499. The palace that he designed was vast and extravagant, and it had several similarities to the ideal city that he had designed years before. The palace would sit alongside a river, which would allow for a small network of canals to be constructed. The designs included two large, square-shaped palaces and enough smaller buildings around them to make a small village. Unfortunately, in 1519, Leonardo da Vinci passed away, and though his designs were mostly complete, they were abandoned. Because of this, many of his plans for the palace were lost over time, and extensive research has been done to try to recover the missing pieces of his design.

Source and Photo Source: www.leonardo-da-vinci.net/romo…

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by Allison Skadberg


Unfortunately, The Last Supper did not stand the test of time and it began flaking and fading around 1518, only 20 years after its completion. This is because of da Vinci’s failed experimentation with painting materials instead of using traditional fresco techniques. Typically, tempera paint is applied directly onto the wet plaster of the wall which helps it affix to the painting, but its fast drying time meant an area had to be completed in one day’s work and could not easily be reworked later. This didn’t sit well with Leonardo, who preferred a leisurely style of applying thin paint layers over many hours, a style supported by his use of oil paint. He also didn’t have any previous fresco experience, so he decided to use a different approach for The Last Supper. He coated the wall with a layer of ground white stone and white lead primer before painting directly onto the dry plaster wall. He experimented with different proportions of oil and tempera paint in different parts of the painting, as he thought that mixing the types would allow him to still use his method of gradually applying thin layers of paint. However, his experimentation failed and the painting quickly faded and crumbled. When a biography of da Vinci was published in 1550, the author, Vasari, proclaimed that the painting was “ruined”. Today, very little of the original is left.


Issacson, W. (2017). The Last Supper. In Issacson, W, Leonardo da Vinci. (pp. 273-292). New York, NY: Simon & Schuster

Harris, B. & Zucker, S. (n.d.) The Last Supper. Retrieved from www.khanacademy.org/humanities…

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by Leila Yanni

It is Andreas Vesalius, not Leonardo da Vinci, that is known as the Father of Anatomy and is mentioned in modern anatomy books today. Vesalius was an anatomist and physician from Brussels. He published “De humani corporis fabrica” (translated to “On the Fabric of the Human Body”) in 1543, which is known as the first modern anatomy textbook. Vesalius’s book followed many of da Vinci’s previous studies and challenged dogmas set by previous anatomist Galen. Many of Galen’s observations were related to old theory (humorism) and animal dissections, since human dissections were outlawed by Roman Law. Vesalius was able to get his hands on a few human cadavers and rectified some of Galen’s errors, such as the thought the heart contains the great vessels of the body versus the liver. Vesalius was also the “first” to note that bones gave humans their shape and depicted this through detailed drawings of bone, ligament, and muscle. Vesalius described many body systems in extraordinary detail, which was thought to never have been done before. But da Vinci made extraordinary advances and detailed notebook entries of anatomy years before Vesalius was even born. Da Vinci used his artistic ability and mind for mechanics to create detailed drawings of the human body and body systems. Some of his most infamous drawing and notes were related to muscle/ ligaments, the heart, skull, and fetus. His talent as an artist won him opportunities to dissect over 30 cadavers (compared to Vesalius’s few), allowing him to prove Galen wrong years before Vesalius. Unfortunately, da Vinci’s works were never published, so his genius had little impact on the advancement of anatomy.


Bridges, C.D. (2015). Biology 201/203: Human Anatomy and Physiology. Plymouth, MI. Hayden-McNeil.

Toledo-Pereyra, L.H. (2009). Leonardo da Vinci: The Hidden Father of Modern Anatomy. Journal of Investigative Surgery, 15(5), 247-249).

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by Christina Hetisimer

German engineer Hans Heyden creates the first working approximation of the viola organista, the Geigenwerk, paving the way for a category of instrument called the “sostenente piano,” signifying a keyboard instrument that produces a sustained sound (as opposed to the percussive voice of a concert piano). The Geigenwerk deviated significantly from the viola organista, but the primary concept behind both is very similar. The Geigenwerk had forty-four keys and five foot-pedals, used to activate the internal wheels that bowed the stings. The creation of this instrument allowed for the spirit of the viola organista to return to Italy, as a Medici prince would purchase a Geigenwerk in the sixteenth century.

Many German craftsmen begin to take da Vinci’s designs, along with the Geigenwerk, as inspiration for their own instruments. The clavichord, a common piano-esque instrument used for composing at the time, was too quiet for public performance and many designers wanted to broaden the available dynamic range as well. Variations of the sostenente piano would continue to be produced as one-off creations until roughly the nineteenth century.

Apel, W. L. (1969). Harvard Dictionary of Music. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.

Badura-Skoda, E. (2017). The Eighteenth-century Fortepiano Grand and Its Patrons: From Scarlatti to Beethoven. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Geigenwerk Praetorius [Digital image]. (2014, October 19). Retrieved from commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Fil…

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by Christopher Embry


During these centuries, the mathematical understanding of geometry and space expanded from the plane to n-dimensional Euclidean space and non-Euclidean space. Although none of Euclid’s Elements was deemed incorrect, during the 17th century mathematicians Desargues and Pascal realized that Euclidean geometry was a special instance a more general type of geometry: projective geometry. However, the work of these two mathematicians was not given much attention until the 19th century when their works were rediscovered independently by geometers of that time. Further, the 19th century saw a greater expansion and generalization in the understanding of geometry: the works of Gauss, Riemann, and others developed ideas like the manifold (objects that behave locally like Euclidean space) and curved spaces. Likewise, instead of working in the plane mathematicians were concerned with the aforementioned generalized spaces. More importantly, these new conceptions of space became well-established in standard mathematical instruction by the end of the 19th century.   


Kline, Morris. “Projective Geometry.” Scientific American, vol. 192, no. 1, 1955, pp. 80–86., doi:10.1038/scientificamerican0155-80.

Shearer, Rhonda Roland. “Chaos Theory and Fractal Geometry: Their Potential Impact on the Future of Art.” Leonardo, vol. 25, no. 2, 1992, pp. 143–152., doi:10.2307/1575702.

The image is from Wikimedia Commons and in the public domain. 

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by Garrett Mulcahy


Despite the common belief that Galileo was the originator of the telescope, it was actually first patented in 1608 by German-Dutch lensmaker Hans Lippershey, though it would not be called a "telescope" for three years, until which it was called a "Dutch Perspective Glass".  Its design involved a concave eyepiece aligned with a convex objective lens that was capable of magnifying objects by a magnitude of three.  Although Lippershey was the first to patnent his design, there is little information proving he was the origional inventor and the Instrument was greatly improved, however, a year later by Galileo, who was able to design a telescope capable of a magnification of 20 times.  This date is particularly significant since da Vinci's obvservations on the moon were made a century before the invention of the telescope.  His discoveries reguarding the moon's surface and illumination were made without any magnification or ability to see the surface with any clarity.

Associated Places

Museo Galileo

by Corinne Evans


After making vast improvments in the telescope in 1609, Galileo was able to make detailed observations of various planets as well as the moon.  One such observation was that the moon was not the perfect spherical surface society assumed it to be, but rather was made up of various valleys, plains, and moutains much like the Earth's surface.  This gave further insight into da Vinci's observations on the various dark spots scattered throughout the moon's surface.  These discoveries were particularly radical since the moon, like the planets, were through to be perfect celestial beings and the thought of them containing imperfections would have been highly controversial.

Associated Places

Museo Galileo
Sketch of the Eastern Hemisphere of the Moon

by Corinne Evans


A culmination of much of Leonardo's notebook entries and thoughts on painting appears in his Treatise on Painting. Included in the book is a section known as Botany for Painters and Elements of Landscape Painting. It is in this section that Leonardo reveals three discoveries about botany. These discoveries include the arrangement of leaves on a stem, how to determine the age of a tree by its structure, and that new branches form from underneath the bark of a tree. His findings became a staple for future botany and also instructed artists on how to properly display plants in paintings.

Associated Places

Da Vinci Notebook Sketch on Trees

by Kayla Cole

With Last Supper already in disrepair, in 1652 monastery residents cut a door into the middle of the painting, removing Jesus’ feet and creating the large gray space seen in the bottom of photos of the painting. Later in the 1700s, soldiers of Napoleon Bonaparte turned the refectory into a stable and used the painting as target practice for projectiles. During World War II, the Nazis bombed the monastery, but the painting was luckily protected by sandbags so was not completely destroyed. However, all of this clearly did not help the already-flaking painting.


The Last Supper – by Leonardo da Vinci. (2011). Retrieved from www.leonardodavinci.net/the-la…

Issacson, W. (2017). The Last Supper. In Issacson, W, Leonardo da Vinci. (pp. 273-292). New York, NY: Simon & Schuster

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by Leila Yanni

The first clock that utilizes the pendulum is attributed to Huygens in 1656. This increased the accuracy of clocks from 15 minutes per day to 15 secinds per day. This led to the development of the 'seconds pendulum' which became a standard 0.994-meter long pendulum used in all quality clocks.

Associated Places

Riefler Prescision Regulator Clock
Galileo's Villa - Galileo's Escapement
Riefler Prescision Regulator Clock
Galileo's Escapement
St. Mark's Clock

by Eric Liu


Sebastien Lenormand is considered to be the first person to make a fully functioning parachute (or at least the first one that was well documented). He jumped from the top of the tower within the Montpellier Observatory in France and safely landed. This parachute was 14 feet. This mechanism was intended to be a portable fire escape, allowing people to escape buring buildings. The jump is recorded to have occured in December of 1783.

Source: Britannica, T. E. (2019, January 01). Louis-Sebastien Lenormand. Retrieved from www.britannica.com/biography/L…

Image Scorce: Louis-Sébastien Lenormand. (2019, February 05). Retrieved from en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis-Sébastien_Lenormand

Associated Places

Montpellier Observatory

by Nicole Geer


On 26 May 1805, Napoleon crowns himself King of Italy in Milan Cathedral, with the iron crown of Lombardy. Image: The Iron Crown of Lombardy, from Cesare Cantù Grande illustrazione del Lombardo-Veneto ossia storia delle città, dei borghi, comuni, castelli, ecc. fino ai tempi moderni Milano, Corona e Caimi Editori, 1858. This image is in the public domain in the United States because its copyright has expired.

In a flamboyant and highly theatrical gesture, Napoleon Bonaparte signifies his political and military dominance over the Italian peninsula with a ceremony in Milan Cathedral, where he crowned himself King of Italy with the ancient, iconic iron crown of Lombardy. This crowning of Napoleon as King is a result of the French conquest of Italy. His full title was "Emperor of the French and King of Italy."


Alison Chapman, "On Il Risorgimento"

Related Articles

Erik Simpson, “On Corinne, Or Italy

Associated Places

Benjamin Robert Haydon, Napoléon Bonaparte (based on a version of 1830)
Florence, Italy
The Kingdom of the Two Sicilies

by David Rettenmaier

In 1822, the "Vitruvian Man" was moved to The Gallerie dell’Accaedmia in Venice. Today, it is the current house of the "Vitruvian Man", which is kept in a dim room to keep its authenticity. In person, it is clear to see the meticulousand precise lines  of the male figure and attracts many tourists each year. However, it is rarely on display according to dissapointed travelers on TripAdvisor.

Sources: www.tripadvisor.co.za/FAQ_Answ…...

Isaacson, Walter. “Vitruvian Man”. Leonardo Da Vinci. Simon & Schuster, 2017.

Associated Places

Gallerie dell’Accaedmia
da Vinci's Vitruvian Man

by Alexa Lahey

Italy is united

1 Feb 1861

Portrait of Vittorio EmanueleOn February 1861, Vittorio Emanuele II of Piedmont is crowned king of Italy: Italy is formally united, with Turin as the capital city. Image: Vittorio Emanuele II of Savoia (c. 1840s-1850s), Museo nazionale del Risorgimento, Torino (author unknown). This image is in the public domain in the United States because its copyright has expired.


Alison Chapman, "On Il Risorgimento"

Related Articles

Marjorie Stone, “On the Post Office Espionage Scandal, 1844″

Associated Places

Florence, Italy
The Kingdom of the Two Sicilies
Rome, Italy

by David Rettenmaier

As the Civil War was coming into full swing and tensions were heating up between the North and the South, a game-changing mechanism came onto the scene. Invented in 1862, the Gatling gun was one of the first rapid fire weapons, using a hand crank and ten rotating barrels to deliver 500 rounds per minute to enemy troops. Developed by Richard Jordan Gatling, it was brought about by the development of the brass cartridge which had its own percussion cap, removing the need for a human to add the percussion cap before firing. It also played a serious role in the American conquest of the West over the American Indians. It was able to quickly slaughter massive amounts of Indians, as the United States pushed further and further west. In its design it somewhat resembled the rotating barrels of da Vinci’s machine gun, although da Vinci’s machine gun was based on small cannons rather than bullets. The Gatling gun was one of the first indications of the machine gun revolution of warfare that would come about in greater extents in the twentieth century with the invention and wide usage of the Maxim machine gun.

Editors, History.com. “Gatling Gun.” History.com, A&E Television Networks, 4 Mar. 2010, www.history.com/topics/american-civil-war/gatling-gun.

The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. “Gatling Gun.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 14 Feb. 2017, www.britannica.com/technology/Gatling-gun.

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by Ben Hardin

In 1863, French scholar and writer, Gustave de Ponton D'Amecourt, coined the name "helicopter" based off the Greek words "helikos" (helix) and "pteron" (wing).  Ponton D'Amecourt had the privilege of studying mathematics, Sanskrit, Greek, and Latin. Gabriel de La Landelle and Ponton D'Amecourt worked together to create a steam boiler engine prototype made of aluminum, so he had a personal connection with helicopters in addition to creating the name. The coining of the name "helicopter" is important as it has not been altered since its initial formation, and it has made it easier for us to look back and locate information about helicopters now. 

Text sources:

Bellis, M. (2019). History of the helicopter. Retrieved from www.thoughtco.com/history-of-t….

Ponton D'Amecourt, Gustave. (2013). Retrieved from www.europeana.eu/portal/en/rec….

Image Source:


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by Ali Jeffries


Plebiscite annexes Rome and Latium to the Kingdom of Italy, 2 October 1870. This event marks the final phase of the unification of Italy.


Alison Chapman, "On Il Risorgimento"

Related Articles

Marjorie Stone, “On the Post Office Espionage Scandal, 1844″

Associated Places

Rome, Italy
The Kingdom of the Two Sicilies

by David Rettenmaier

As the Industrial Revolution dawned, new inventions were spring up, taking advantage of new manufacturing techniques. Along with this revolution came new military technologies. One such technology is the Maxim machine gun. Created in about 1884 by inventor and engineer Hiram Maxim, this gun drastically shaped the way wars were fought and the causalities that resulted. It was used by every major power during World War I. It was recoil-operated and had a water jacket around the barrel, which functioned as a way to cool the barrel since the heat from the high number of rounds being fired would otherwise warp the shape of the barrel. Firing at a rate of 500 bullets per minute, it drastically changed battle tactics. Men would have to dash and weave to avoid the spray of damage. Offensive lines could be easily crushed using the Maxim. Unlike the Gatling guns of the time, the Maxim was not hand-cranked and was less prone to becoming jammed.

The effects of the Maxim machine gun were also psychological due to the large number of casualties it could cause in a short amount of time. In one incident where British used the Maxim against Matabele tribesmen, 1600 tribesmen were killed while only 4 British were killed. Several tribe leaders committed suicide after the event due to the trauma of the scene. When used in World War I, the effect was demoralizing as troops would watch their comrades immediately dropped by the powerful weapon.

The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. “Maxim Machine Gun.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 7 Sept. 2010, www.britannica.com/technology/Maxim-machine-gun.

Huard, Paul Richard. “Maxim's Machine Gun Slaughtered Hundreds of Thousands of People.” Medium, War Is Boring, 5 Nov. 2014, medium.com/war-is-boring/maxims-machine-gun-slaughtered-hundreds-of-thousands-of-people-f9e068f5148.

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by Ben Hardin

Igor Sikorsky is considered to be the "father of helicopters" due to his major contributions that occurred between 1909 and 1944. His work began in 1909 when he created his first helicopter prototype that utilized a pair of rotors placed on the same axis that rotate in opposite directions; however, this model was unsuccessful. It wasn't until 1939 that Sikorsky made his first significant helicopter contribution. This was the year that he first tested his VS-300 helicopter, which was the first practical helicopter made in the U.S.  This was also the first helicopter in the world to perfect the single main rotor and tail rotor that is seen in most helicopters today.  By 1941, this helicopter was able to fly for slightly over 1 hour and achieved full cyclic-pitch. Sikorsky used his VS-300 design to help create the R-4 helicopter in 1942. By 1944, the R-4 became the first helicopter to ever be mass produced. The R-4 contained some similar properties as the VS-300 including a steel framework and fabric-covered fuselage. Some of the improvements found in the R-4 were a fully-enclosed cabin and dual controls for the two pilots. The invention of the R-4 was a very important step in accelerating the development of the modern helicopter. It also helped transform warfare and the notion of speed and movement as they were used by the United States and Great Britain during the end of World War II. 

Text Sources:

Bellis, M. (2019). History of the helicopter. Retrieved from www.thoughtco.com/history-of-t….

Boyne, W. J. (2019). Helicopter. Retrieved from www.britannica.com/technology/….

Johnston, S. P. (2019). Igor Sikorsky. Retrieved from www.britannica.com/biography/I…;

Sikorsky R-4. (n.d.). Retrieved from www.aviastar.org/helicopters_e…;

VS-300 Helicopter. (n.d.). Retrieved from sikorskyarchives.com/VS-300_He….

Image Source:


Associated Places

Igor Sikorsky's VS-300 Helicopter

by Ali Jeffries


On August 21, 1911, the Mona Lisa was stolen from the Louvre. The ensuing media frenzy was unparalleled for any sort of art theft, and the hysteria bred all sorts of conspiracy theories. One prominent theory was that it was stolen by rogue modernist artists, trying to destroy the old world order and imposing their own. This line of thinking actually led to the arrest of Pable Picasso as a suspect, but he was never convicted. 

The painting was actually stolen by Vincenzo Perugia, who had briefly worked at the Louvre. Wearing a worker's smock, he hid in the museum until after it had closed, took the painting out of the frame, and hid it in a closet. The next morning, he hid it under his smock, and walked right out with it. He kept it in a hidden compartment of a trunk in his house for the next two years. 

Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. “Mona Lisa.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 4 Apr. 2019, www.britannica.com/topic/Mona-Lisa-painting.

Associated Places

Louvre Museum (Paris, France)
Mona Lisa, Leonardo da Vinci (1503-1519)

by Brendan Murphy


In 1912, Boris Yuryev created a helicopter that contained, for the first time, a tail rotor in addition to a single main rotor. It is assumed Yuryev had a stronger understanding of aerodynamics than most inventors at the time as he was a pupil of a famous aerodynamicist, N. Ye. Zhukovskii. The introduction of the tail rotor was significant as it helped combat the torque from the main rotor. Based on Newton's third law of motion, if the main rotor is moving in a counterclockwise direction, then the fuselage (body of the helicopter) will move in a clockwise direction. The tail rotor prevents the helicopter from spinning in a circle and also helps improve directional control.

After his tail rotor contribution, Yuryev continued to help improve the design of the helicopter. Yuryev was a leading researcher at the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI) in Moscow for almost 30 years. His work specifically focused on the development of propellers and helicopters. By the end of his work, he was the Lieutenant-General of Aviation Engineering Sciences and was elected an Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.

Text Sources:

Soviet Helicopter. (1959). Retrieved from www.flightglobal.com/FlightPDF…;

Valavanis, K. P. (2007). Advances in unmanned aerial vehicles: state of the art and the road to autonomy.Berlin: Springer.

Image Source:


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by Ali Jeffries


Mona Lisa is Recovered

circa. Nov 1913

After keeping it in his house for 2 years, Perugia contacted a Florentine art dealer, hoping to sell the painting in Florence. After coming into contact, the dealer manged to convince Perugia to leave the painting with him, and called the police on him. He was arrested at his house half an hour later. His official reasoning was that he mistakenly believed that Napoleon had stolen it from the people of Italy. For the crime, he served a relatively light sentence of eight months. 

Associated Places

Florence (Firenze)
Mona Lisa, Leonardo da Vinci (1503-1519)

by Brendan Murphy


 "The Baptism of Christ", originally commissioned by the monks of San Salvi in 1472, stayed at San Salvi until 1730. While at San Salvi, it survived the 1529 Siege of Florence in which half of the Church was destroyed. Today San Salvi houses a different famous painting, Andrea del Sarto's Last Supper. In 1730 'The Baptism of Christ' was taken to another monastery in Florence, the Santa Verdiana where it stayed for 80 years. In 1808, during Napoleons rule, he repurposed the monastery to become a slaughterhouse which resulted in the painting being moved again, this time to The Florentine Galleries. In 1919 the painting moved to its current home, the Uffizi, meaning this year is the 100th anniversary of the painting being at the Uffizi (and the 544th anniversary of the finishing of the painting). It is located in room 35 of the Uffizi Gallery, along with ‘The Annunciation’' another famous painting by Verrocchio and DaVinci. 

Sources: www.uffizi.it/en/artworks/verr…


Image from Wikimedia: commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Fil…


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by Cara McCormick


Multiple people throughout history, including Leonardo da Vinci, have designed parachutes. The modern parachute was not patented until 1920. This version included a ripcord, a folding parachute, and a harness. According to Google Patents, this was filed under patent number US1340423A. The inventor is listed as Floyd Smith. The patent has since expired, and this is a common framework for parachutes in use today.

Leonardo Da Vinci's Life. (n.d.). Retrieved from www.davincilife.com/davincis-p…
US1340423A - Parachute. (n.d.). Retrieved from patents.google.com/patent/US13…

Image Source:
US1340423A - Parachute. (n.d.). Retrieved from patents.google.com/patent/US13…

Associated Places

Modern Parachute Patent

by Nicole Geer


This modern clock uses an electronic oscillator controlled by a quartz crystal to keep time. Because of the very percise fequency of the crystal oscillator, these clocks are at least an order of magnitude more accurate than mechanical clocks.

Associated Places

Bell Telephone Laboratories
Suwa Seikosha (Sieko Epson) Corporation
Early Bell Labs Crystal Oscillators
Sieko Quartz-Astron

by Eric Liu


Mona Lisa Tours the US

circa. Nov 1962 to circa. Mar 1963

The Mona Lisa went on a tour of the Us between November 1962 and March 1963. It was shown at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York and the National Gallery of Art in DC and was displayed for 1 week in each location. The  week in the MET drew over 1 million visitors despite bad weather, and its time in DC brought 600 thousand visitors to the National Gallery of Art. This accounted for more than 50% of the normal yearly visitors to the DC museum. 

Associated Places

Mona Lisa, Leonardo da Vinci (1503-1519)

by Brendan Murphy


The Moon Landing

16 Jul 1969

Almost 500 years after da Vinci's death, July 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first man to walk on the moon. This scientific marvel would have stunned even a genius such as da Vinci. Despite his numerous inventions and insights on the moon, among other subjects, he lived in a time were mirrors were the newest technology, therefore, something as major as walking on the moon would have seemed like a myth.  

Works Cited:

Dunbar, B. (2015, February 19). July 20, 1969: One Giant Leap For Mankind. Retrieved from www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/apo…

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by Corinne Evans


Although da Vinci’s geometric sketches did not cause radical changes in mathematics, modern mathematicians and artists alike take inspiration from his geometric figures and interest in the transformation of shapes. George Hart is a professor recently retired from SUNY Stony Brook whose research was heavily inspired by da Vinci’s polyhedra sketches; by integrating the fields of math, computer science, and art he developed a computer program that synthesized new hybrid polyhedra. Likewise, several artists have been inspired by da Vinci’s thoughts on the transition of shapes. For example, sculptor Charles Perry created structures that depict abstract shapes underdoing transformation.


Shearer, Rhonda Roland. “Chaos Theory and Fractal Geometry: Their Potential Impact on the Future of Art.” Leonardo, vol. 25, no. 2, 1992, pp. 143–152., doi:10.2307/1575702.

Perry, Charles O. “On the Edge of Science: The Role of the Artists Intuition in Science.” Leonardo, vol. 25, no. 3/4, 1992, pp. 249–252., doi:10.2307/1575845.

Peterson, Ivars. “Polyhedron Man.” Science News, vol. 160, no. 25/26, 2001, pp. 396–398., doi:10.2307/4012851.

The image is taken from the following article "Polyhedron Man" that is listed above.

Associated Places

Combination of Polyhedra
SUNY Stony Brook
Hyatt Regency Hotel, San Francisco

by Garrett Mulcahy


               With a painting that was subject to so much damage yet by such a renowned artist as da Vinci, it is not surprising that many restorations have been attempted. More than six were attempted between 1700 and 1900, with the most recent and extensive taking place in 1977. Before this attempt, prior restorations usually painted over da Vinci’s work, but this resulted in a buildup of paint and distortion of the figures and details. In 1977, Milan decided to use modern technology such as microscopic photographs, core samples, infrared reflectoscopy, and sonar to remove added layers of paint and reveal da Vinci’s original work. This restoration took more than 38,000 hours and resulted in a painting where 42.5% of da Vinci’s work has been preserved. In the Last Supper today, one can see that the tiny paint flakes that have chipped off throughout the entire painting sadly make it appear extremely faded and blurry.

               While historians desperately want to prevent any future damage to da Vinci’s masterpiece, they also understand the cultural importance of it being open for viewing, instead of paranoidly hidden away – after all, art is meant to be seen. Today, travelers in Milan can go to Santa Maria delle Grazie to see The Last Supper, albeit with some restrictions – visitors can only remain in front of the painting for 15 minutes, and a maximum of 30 people are allowed into the refectory at a time to minimize overcrowding. Visitors must pass through an air-lock system that helps purify them and keep pollution from reaching the painting, and air quality monitors and air filters are also installed to monitor the painting.

               da Vinci’s great painting reveals his personality of constantly trying to discover new ideas and experimenting in all areas of life, yet the fact remains that he was only human and of course failed occasionally. His painting was “innovative in its heart and too innovative in its methods. The conception was brilliant but the execution flawed” (Issacson p. 292). The remains of The Last Supper exemplify Renaissance painting principles and show how da Vinci’s mastery of these techniques allowed him to go beyond the limits of art to create movement, emotion, and realism.


Harris, B. & Zucker, S. (n.d.) The Last Supper. Retrieved from www.khanacademy.org/humanities…

The Last Supper – by Leonardo da Vinci. (2011). Retrieved from www.leonardodavinci.net/the-la…

Image Source:

Da Vinci, L. (1498) The Last Supper. [Painting] Retrieved from en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Last…(Leonardo)

Associated Places

Current State of the Last Supper

by Leila Yanni


Adrian Nicholas was a British skydiver. As Leonardo da Vinci's design for the parachute was never tested, Nicholas wanted to confirm the theory. Katarina Ollikainen (his girlfriend) constructed a prototype based off of Leonardo da Vinci's sketch, even utilizing only period accurate tools and materials.  The parachute was in the shape of a 24 ft by 24 ft square-based pyramid. The four sides were to be covered in sealed linen. Against the skeptisism from experts, Nicholas attempted the jump from a hot-air balloon at almost 10,000 feet. The only fear was with the landing, with the concern that the 187 pound device would crush him. Because of this, he allowed himself to fall with da Vinci's parachute until he reached about 2000 feet, then cut himself free and deployed a modern parachute for the landing. He commented that the da Vinci device had a smoother ride than modern day parachutes. Also interesting: after being thrown away, the device floated to the ground, only sustaining minor damages on impact. A quote from Nicholas was "It took one of the greatest minds who ever lived to design it, but it took 500 years to find a man with a brain small enough to actually go and fly it."

Sources and Image Source:
Leonardo Da Vinci's Life. (n.d.). Retrieved from www.davincilife.com/davincis-p…
Adrian Nicholas Proves Da Vinci Chute Works. (n.d.). Retrieved from www.dropzone.com/articles/news…...
Orton, D. C. (2004, March 29). Parachute. Retrieved from www.bl.uk/onlinegallery/featur…

Associated Places

Mpumalanga province of South Africa
Parachute Design by da Vinci
Model of Leonardo da Vinci's Parachute

by Nicole Geer


Vebjørn Sand, a contemporary Norwegian artist, became interested in da Vinci’s designs for a self-supporting arched bridge in 1996. Through a partnership with the Norwegian Public Roads Administration (NPRA), Sand was able to build a da Vinci bridge for pedestrians and bikers crossing Highway E18  in the municipality of Ås, Norway. This was possible only because of the NPRA’s historic receptiveness to projects that combine art with functionality in public space. The design is slightly modified; while da Vinci’s original design only had one parabola, the bridge in Ås is supported by three parabolic arches. The parabolic structures are suited to this design by distributing weight to the wide metal pillar abutments at the base. The bridge is made of laminated wood reinforced with steel, rather than the stone that da Vinci had originally proposed. Construction of the 330 foot long bridge by the Moelven Group lasted approximately 5 years, from 1996 to 2001. The bridge was opened to the public in November of 2001 by Queen Sonja of Norway.


Atalay, B. (2013, February 3). LEONARDO’S BRIDGE: Part 3. “Vebjørn Sand and Variations on a Theme by Leonardo”. Retrieved May 13, 2019, from blog.nationalgeographic.org/20…

Nash, E. P. (2001, December 9). TRAVEL ADVISORY; After 500 Years, Leonardo Gets His Bridge. The New York Times. Retrieved May 13, 2019, from www.nytimes.com/2001/12/09/tra…...

Skari, Bent, ed. (2010). Statens vegvesen: Akershus 1990–2000 (PDF). Oslo, Norway: Statens vegvesen. p. 214. ISBN 82-994614-2-1. Retrieved 22 November 2016.

[Vebjørn Sand Da Vinci Project Bottom View]. (2015, December 4). Retrieved May 12, 2019, from www.dezeen.com/2015/12/04/a-z-…

Photo is taken from the Dezeen article, cited above. The photo was obtained using the image search website Broer, which searches for open source photos.

Associated Places

Ås Municipality, Norway
Vebjørn Sand da Vinci Bridge in Ås, Norway

by Katherine Li


Between 1997 and 2001, Norwegian painter and artist Vebjørn Sand formed a partnership with the Norwegian Public Roads Administration to build what became known as the Vebjørn Sand da Vinci Bridge. Based on Leonardo da Vinci's arched bridge design originally intended for the Golden Horn of present day Istanbul, Sand's pedestrian bridge was built over European route E18 in Ås, Norway. The Vebjørn Sand da Vinci Bridge is smaller version of da Vinci's parabolic arch design which used a wider base to more effectively distribute force, a principle which da Vinci discovered centuries before its common use.


This bridge also launched the Oslo Leonardo Bridge Project. The project aims to build da Vinci footbridges all around the world using local resources, and Sand hopes to use the bridge as "a logo for all nations" according to the Wall Street Journal.





Morris, Jan. “Spanning Past and Present.” The Wall Street Journal, Dow Jones & Company, 5 Nov. 2005, www.wsj.com/articles/SB113113585415688626.


Nash, Eric P. “After 500 Years, Leonardo Gets His Bridge.” New York Times, vol. 151, no. 51962, 2001, p. 3.


Wikimedia Foundation. “Vebjørn Sand Da Vinci Project.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 31 Jan. 2018, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vebj%C3%B8rn_Sand_Da_Vinci_Project.


This image by Åsmund Ødegård (Flickr) is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license (creativecommons.org/licenses/b…), via Wikimedia Commons. commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Fil…

Associated Places

Ås, Norway

by Emily Maneke


In 2002, Italy released a set of Euros to establish a new national currency. Leonardo's "Vitruvian Man" is the subject for the 1 Euro coin. The "Vitruvian Man" coin displays a sense of Italian pride in da Vinci. It also alludes to the fact that the Renaissance occured in Italy. The 1 Euro Coin was voted "Most Beautiful" in the collection. The beauty of the "Vitruvian Man" is still evident in today's culture. 

“Italy Started Using The Euro on January 1st 2002.” Italian - Euro Coin Sets, EuroCoins, www.eurocoins.co.uk/italy.html.

Photo Source: colnect.com/en/coins/coin/7540…...

Associated Places

da Vinci's Vitruvian Man

by Alexa Lahey


While Leonardo da Vinci’s bridge design has never been implemented on the scale he imagined, key concepts in his design live on in many modern-day architectural marvels, including the Sydney Harbor Bridge and the Lupu Bridge pictured here. The Lupu Bridge in Shanghai, opened in 2003, spans the Huangpu River. It is built with a tied-arch design, meaning that both ends are “tied” by the deck, which lessens the horizontal force of the arches on the bases. The bridge is also a through arch bridge, meaning that some of the arch was below the deck, while the rest of the arch is above the deck. The parabolic shape, as proposed by da Vinci in his notebook, remains especially advantageous because it equally distributes weight along the entire length. With the tied deck, this allows for the bridge to support enormous amounts of weight even in non-ideal ground conditions, such as the soft soil in Shanghai. Besides facilitating transportation, the bridge also serves as a tourist attraction; visitors can climb to the top of the arch for panoramic views of the city.


Atalay, B. (2013, February 3). LEONARDO’S BRIDGE: Part 3. “Vebjørn Sand and Variations on a Theme by Leonardo”. Retrieved May 13, 2019, from blog.nationalgeographic.org/20…

[Bridge of Lupu over the Huangpu river in Shanghai (China)]. (2012, August 5). Retrieved May 15, 2019, from commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Fil…

The Lupu Bridge, Shanghai, China. (n.d.). Retrieved May 15, 2019, from www.iabse.org/IABSE/associatio…

Tied-Arch Bridge Facts, History, and Examples. (2019). Retrieved May 15, 2019, from www.historyofbridges.com/facts…

Associated Places


by Katherine Li


After the successful jump by Adrian Nicholas of a parachute based on da Vinci's sketch, the natural next step is a successful landing with the device. Oliver Vietti-Teppa set out to achieve this. His version of the device was of the same four triangular-sided pyramid shape. Each side was an equilateral triangle that was about 23 feet long. It also did not have a wooden frame, as he was worried about the complications from the extra weight. He utilized a modern fabric to improve upon the Nicholas version. He began in a helicopter hovering over 2000 feet in the air. He wore a modern chute as a back-up, but he was able to land safely without it. He was credited as the first successful landing of a parachute mimicking da Vinci's design.

Sources and Image Source:
Parachute - by Leonardo Da Vinci. (n.d.). Retrieved from www.leonardodavinci.net/parach…
Simpson, A. (2008, April 28). Leonardo da Vinci parachute from 1485 finally has successful landing. Retrieved from www.telegraph.co.uk/news/19050…...

Associated Places

Parachute Design by da Vinci

by Nicole Geer


In 2009, Pole Slawomir Zubryzycki begins work on the first known viola organista based directly on da Vinci’s designs. Zubryzycki synthesized this design with the descriptions of Michael Praetorius, a sixteenth century German organist. Praetorius released a series of volumes under the title Syntagma Musicum, where he illustrated and described various musical instruments from the time, including the Geigenwerk made by Hans Heyden. Zubryzycki was also inspired by the viola de gamba contained in the drawings, a seven-stringed chordophone similar in appearance to the cello. The goal was to create an instrument that was mechanically similar to da Vinci’s organista, with the timbre of the viola de gamba.

In 2012, the instrument was completed. Zubryzycki would perform on the organista for the first time on October 18th, 2013, at the International Royal Cracow Piano Festival, in his hometown. The next three years were spent touring the instrument in seventeen countries. During this time, he would record a solo album entitled “Viola Organista – The da Vinci Sound,” released in 2015.

Zubryzycki, S. (2015). Reconstruction. Retrieved from www.violaorganista.com/en/abou…

Jobson, C. (2013, November 18). Polish Concert Pianist Builds a 'Viola Organista' Based on a 500-Year-Old Leonardo Da Vinci Sketch. Retrieved from www.thisiscolossal.com/2013/11…

Associated Places

International Royal Cracow Piano Festival
Modern Viola Organista Internals

by Christopher Embry

Icelandic singer Bjork releases her eighth studio album in 2015, entitled Vulnicura. Combining electronic music and EDM with robust string orchestration, the album was well-reviewed by critics. In October of that year, she would announce Vulnicura Strings (fully titled “Vulnicura: The Acoustic Version – Strings, Voice and Viola Organista Only"), with reworked instrumentation that kept only the vocal recordings of the original pieces. In a statement, Bjork said her goal was to “simply have the acoustics stand on their own for the folks who wanna (sic) indulge even further into the wooden timeless side of this music. With no techno."

Bjork had emailed Zubryzycki in 2013 soon after his organista was completed, but did not have an opportunity to call upon the instrument until the Vulnicura Strings project. The two did not meet in-person throughout the recording process, as Zubryzycki recorded his parts in Cracow. Bjork would send him flowers several days later in return. The organista is featured most prominently on the track “Black Lake,” where it is the only accompaniment to Bjork’s vocals. She stated that performing the song was “always like going back to the Middle Ages. So I thought, OK, this is a little ancient song that would probably have a good relationship with the Viola Organista."

 Gzyl, P. (2015, October 13). Krakowianin zagra razem z Björk. Retrieved from gazetakrakowska.pl/krakowianin…

Bjork: Vulnicura Strings, Available For Pre-Order. (2015, October 06). Retrieved from www.indian.co.uk/site/news/bjr…...

Associated Places

Bjork's New York Home/Studio
Modern Viola Organista Internals

by Christopher Embry

The Quomodo Organistrum Construatur is Written

Verge and Foliet Clock

The Construction of the Duomo begins

Oil Paint as a Medium

Brunelleschi is Hired to Build the Dome

Wars in Lombardy:

Leonardo da Vinci

The Fall of Constantinople

The Treaty of Lodi

Paolo Uccello's The Hunt in the Forest

Lorenzo de Medici

Verrocchio and DaVinci paint 'The Baptism of Christ'

The First Work: "La Valle dell'Arno"

Cesare Borgia is born

Verrocchio gives up the brush

Leonardo da Vinci Incorporates Structural Reciprocity in Other Designs

Da Vinci contributes to Colleoni monument in Verrocchio's workshop

Leonardo da Vinci’s Catapult

Leonardo da Vinci's Clockworks

Da Vinci Begins the Sforza Monument Horse

Verrocchio's clay model chosen for the Colleoni monument

Leonardo da Vinci sketches the parachute

Confalonieri prints the first copies of Theophrastus's Historia plantarum

The Black Death

Da Vinci Sketches the Viola Organista

Leonardo da Vinci makes the "Vitruvian Man"

Da Vinci Completes Sforza Monument Clay Model

Pacioli's First Publication

Second Italian War

Commission of The Last Supper

Colleoni Equestrian Statue Monument Inauguration

Collaboration between Pacioli and da Vinci

Completion of the Last Supper

French Army Destroys Sforza Monument Clay Model

First Italian War

Leonardo da Vinci Creates his Aerial Screw Drawing

Leonardo da Vinci Designs Arched Bridge

Leonardo as a patron of Cesare Borgia

Letter to Sultan Beyazid II of Istanbul

The First Geometric Map

Leonardo Paints the Mona Lisa from 1503 to his death in 1519

Map of Valdichiana Valley

Leda and the Swan

Raphael Sketches the Mona Lisa

da Vinci's Mortar Designs

da Vinci states his intention to write a book on the transformations of geometric shapes

Leonardo Creates Detailed Sketches of Plants

Cesare Borgia dies

Mapping a New World

Publication of De Divina Proportione

Codex Leicester

Leonardo da Vinci's Heart Studies

Heliocentric Theory

Moving the Arno: An Idealized Florence

Romorantin Palace

Flaking of the Last Supper

The "Real" Father of Anatomy

Hans Heyden Creates the Geigenwerk

More modern notions of geometry and space developed

Invention of the telescope

The Moon's Surface

Leonardo da Vinci's Treatise on Painting is published

Further Destruction

First Pendulum Clock

Lenormand's Parachute

Napoleon made king of Italy

Gallerie dell’Accaedmia acquires the "Vitruvian Man"

Italy is united

Gatling gun invented

The Name "Helicopter" is Coined

Rome annexed to Italy

Maxim machine gun invented

Igor Sikorsky's Main Helicopter Contributions

The Mona Lisa is Stolen from the Louvre

Introduction of the Tail Rotor

Mona Lisa is Recovered

The "Baptism of Christ" moves to the Uffizi

Modern Parachute is Patented

Crystal Oscillator - Quartz Clock

Mona Lisa Tours the US

The Moon Landing

da Vinci inspires modern works in mathematics and art

Restoration and Current State of the Last Supper

First Test of a da Vinci Parachute

Vebjørn Sand Engineers da Vinci Bridge in Ås, Norway

Vebjørn Sand da Vinci Bridge

Italy Releases "Vitruvian Man" Euros

Lupu Bridge Opens to Public

Paracute Design by da Vinci Landed

The Only Modern Viola Organista is Constructed

Vulnciura Strings Features the Viola Organista

800 BCE
700 BCE
600 BCE
500 BCE
400 BCE
300 BCE
200 BCE
100 BCE

Chronological table

Displaying 1 - 50 of 124
Date Event Created by Associated Places

Annunciation by Leonardo Da Vinci

Annunciation by Leonardo da Vinci
Annunciation by Leonardo da Vinci

Annunciation is generally considered to be one of Leonardo’s earliest works, created during his time as an apprentice in the studio of Andrea del Verrocchio. Dating from around 1472, this painting, made with tempera and oil on a wood panel, depicts one of the most popular subjects for artwork throughout this period. The left side of the composition is dominated by the archangel Gabriel who is seen kneeling and holding a bundle of white lilies, the symbol of the virgin. Opposite of Gabriel, Mary is seen acknowledging the arrival of the angel from behind a marble bench, where she was reading. The event is set in an earthly, natural environment, with landscape painting in the background that is characteristic of da Vinci’s later works. 

“Annunciation.” Artworks, Uffizi Galleries, www.uffizi.it/en/artworks/annunciation.

Image Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, fair use

Lauren Krieger

Discovery of Anatomy through Art

Leonardo da Vinci showed a great artistic ability at a young age. Da Vinci’s father, Piero Fruosino di Antonio da Vinci, took note of his son’s skill and when da Vinci turned 15 years old, sent him to apprentice renowned artist Andrea del Verrocchio. It was here that da Vinci began his anatomical studies.

 Verrocchio had a studio in Florence where he taught many artist in addition to da Vinci. As part of the apprenticeship, Verrocchio made all of this students study anatomy to assist them in depicted human bodies realistically, which was popular during the Renaissance. Da Vinci studied structure, function, and proportions of the body, using his sharp eye to depict startingly life-like sketches.  But da Vinci took his work studying human form and took it many steps further. Da Vinci’s curiosity lead him to more research looking at the functions of body systems. He performed several dissections to study the internal body. Da Vinci sketched countless drawings and wrote pages and pages of notes. These sketches and notes could have on his research that could have changed the subject of anatomy had they have been published.



Gunter, P. (2006) Andrea del Verrochio: Encyclopedia Britannica.

Heydenreich, L.H. (2019) Leonardo da Vinci: Anatomical Studies and Drawings. Encyclopedia Britannica.

Christina Hetisimer

Andrea del Verrocchio

Portrait of Andrea del Verrocchio
Portrait of Andrea del Verrocchio

Andrea del Verrocchio was a 15th century Italian sculptor, painter and goldsmith. Very little biographical information is known about the early life of Verrocchio, but it is thought that he studied painting with Sandro Botticelli under the Renaissance master Fra Filippo Lippi. He was also trained as a goldsmith, and in fact took the name "Verrocchio" from his master.  Verrocchio’s rise to artistic prominence is largely owed to the patronage of the Medici family, who supported his career as a sculptor. His reputation across the country led many great artists to study in his studio, perhaps most importantly young Leonardo da Vinci.

Passavant, Günter. “Andrea Del Verrocchio.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 1 Feb. 2019, www.britannica.com/biography/Andrea-del-Verrocchio.

Image Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, fair use

Lauren Krieger

Da Vinci's Fetal Studies

Leonardo da Vinci wrote detailed works on embryotic and fetal studies, using the anatomical information he gained while working with physician Marcantonio della Torre in 1506-1511. Da Vinci was the first to correctly draw the fetus positioned in a single chambered womb. Ingeniously, da Vinci did so without having access to a fetal or female cadaver. He used his cow dissection to reconstruct a human in the womb. This is why the uterus is a sphere instead of a more pear-like shape.

He was also first to correctly draw the uterine artery and other corresponding vasculature. Prior da Vinci’s representation, it was thought the uterus had multiple chambers. But through his studies, da Vinci proved them wrong. Da Vinci’s fetus in the womb picture was revolutionary both anatomically and artistically. Johnathon Jones, an art critic, declared da Vinci’s work as “…the most beautiful work of art in the world.”

 In addition to his pictures, da Vinci also was the first to describe the three fetal membranes and nodded to how the “maternal and feto-placental vasculatures did not communicate (Dunn, 1997).” These notes show how da Vinci almost anticipated the discovery of human and fetal circulation which was not discovered fully until the 1600s by William Harvey.



Dunn, P.M. (1997). Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) and Reproductive Anatomy. Archives of Disease in Childhood- Fetal and Neonatal. 77(3).

Isaacson, W. (2017). Leonardo da Vinci. New York: Simon and Schuster

Christina Hetisimer

Uffizi Gallery

Uffizi Gallery, Florence
Uffizi Gallery, Florence

The Uffizi Gallery is one of the largest and most important Italian museums, storing a collection of priceless works of art from the Italian Renaissance and beyond. Cosimo de’ Medici commissioned Giorgio Vasari to design the building in 1560. It’s original function was to house Florentine legal and administrative offices, with a private gallery for the collections of the Medici family on the second floor. At the end of the Medici dynasty, The Family Pact of 1737 allowed Anna Maria de’ Medici to declare that the Medici’s art collections may never be moved from Florence, ensuring the permanence of the Uffizi Gallery and its priceless collections. In 1769 the Gallery was opened to the public and has since become one of the most visited museums in the world.

“History | The Uffizi.” Uffizi Galleries, www.uffizi.it/en/the-uffizi/history.

Image Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, fair use

Lauren Krieger

Anatomy Before da Vinci

Galen was a Greek physician, philosopher, and author that practiced around 150 A.D. He was a well-known physician and served many emperors in the Roman Empire as a personal physician. Galen complied work from original anatomist such as Hippocrates and added his own discoveries and beliefs to write over 20,000 pages of anatomical study. He had a strong belief in experiments and observation, instead of believing what has always been written. This belief helped him make advancements in his career including:

Identifying 7 of 12 cranial nerves

Proving the kidneys make urine

Diagnosing using a patients’ pulse and urine sample

Discovering the heart has 4 valves

But Galen’s education was still based on old knowledge and he had flaws in his studies such as the belief that an imbalance of humors caused disease and that the liver was the center of the great vessels in the body. Despite this, Galen’s anatomical studies stayed as primary belief for about 1500 years, until scientist like Leonardo da Vinci began to challenge his beliefs. Da Vinci’s artistic ability and engineering studies assisted him in attempting to bring in a new era in anatomical studies, though none of his work was published so little impact was made from all his work. The anatomical revolution was contributed more to Andreas Vesalius.



Stewart, D. (2014). Galen. Famous Scientist: The Art of Genius.

Picture from Wikimedia http://catalogue.wellcomelibrary.org/record=b1165357

Christina Hetisimer


The Syndics of the Drapers' Guild by Rembrandt
The Syndics of the Drapers' Guild by Rembrandt

X-rays were discovered in 1895 by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen. Although they are most widely used in the realm of medicine, they also provide a technical method for examining artwork. X-radiography is unique because it is a non-invasive and non-destructive technique that provides information about the construction, structure, and condition of a work. Additionally, it can be used to identify the materials that the object is made from and expose layers of underpainting. This information is important not only for guiding the conservation of an object, but also for attributing it to the correct artist and determining the authenticity of the object. This technique was used to analyze Annunciation and allowed researchers to distinguish the work done by Leonardo da Vinci from the work done by his mentor, Andrea del Verrocchio.  The image to the left shows the x-radiograph of Rembrandt van Rijn's The Syndics of the Amsterdam Drapers' Guild, revealing alternate compositions of the group that Rembrandt considered before completing the final painting.

“Digital Radiography.” Museum Conservation Institute Imaging Studio, Smithsonian Institute, www.si.edu/MCIImagingStudio/X-ray.

History.com Editors. “German Scientist Discovers X-Rays.” History, A&E Television Networks, 24 Nov. 2009, www.history.com/this-day-in-history/german-scientist-discovers-x-rays.

Image Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, fair use

Lauren Krieger

Childhood Exploration

Leonardo da Vinci grew up in a small Tuscan town in the lower valley of the Arno River, allowing him to explore the many fossil-containing caves at the foothills of the Alps. From a young age, da Vinci questioned the popular Biblical flood theory, instead using logical reasoning accompanied by his own observations to come to the correct conclusion on geological formations hundreds of years before these concepts were popularized.

Kyra Wilson

da Vinci's First Sketch

Leonardo da Vinci’s first known work ("The Hills of Tuscany") is from 1473 when he was 21 years old. The sketch is believed to be inspired by the Arno Valley where da Vinci grew up. Although da Vinci never published his geological theories, his works were geologically correct; he understood the geological processes that shaped our mountains and valleys hundreds of years before the public.

Kyra Wilson

Tomb of Piero and Giovanni de Medici by Verrocchio

Tomb of Piero and Giovanni de Medici by Verrocchio
Tomb of Piero and Giovanni de Medici by Verrocchio

The tomb of Piero and Giovanni de Medici, completed in 1472, was the Medici’s first major commission from Italian painter and sculptor Andrea del Verrocchio. The sarcophagus is unique both in its composition and its materials. The tomb is set in an archway and uses a combination of coloured marble and porphyry, complimented by decorative bronze ornamentation. Verrocchio was a master of both stone and metalwork, which sets this tomb apart from others of this period. This work is significant not only because it marks the start of the Medici’s lifelong patronage of Verrocchio, but also because it is most likely the inspiration piece for the marble bench that appears in da Vinci’s Annunciation. This provides evidence that Leonardo da Vinci was active in Verrocchio's workshop, and both masters may have had a hand in painting Annunciation

Passavant, Günter. “Andrea Del Verrocchio.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 1 Feb. 2019, www.britannica.com/biography/Andrea-del-Verrocchio.

“Tomb of Piero and Giovanni De Medici.” Andrea Del Verrocchio, AndreaDelVerrocchio.com, www.andreadelverrocchio.com/tomb-of-piero-and-giovanni-de-medici/.

Lauren Krieger

Milan and "Seashells"

From 1482 to 1499, Leonardo da Vinci served as a court artisan to Ludovico Sforza, the Duke of Milan. During his time in Milan, da Vinci was able to not only paint and sculpt but also to study a wide variety of other subjects: nature, flying, mechanics, anatomy, and more. da Vinci reportedly hiked in the nearby Alps and often explored various caves where he studied fossils and rock formations. One day, a group of peasants brought da Vinci (who was known for his interest in rocks) a sack of “seashells” they had found in the mountains, further proof of da Vinci’s developing theories on geology.

Kyra Wilson

The Virgin of the Rocks

Between 1483 and 1486, Leonardo da Vinci painted two copies of “The Virgin of the Rocks.” The painting depicts Madonna, child Jesus, infant John the Baptist, and an angel in a rocky setting reminiscent of the mountains in northeastern Italy.

Kyra Wilson

Modern Geology

In 1785, James Hutton, widely seen as the father of modern geology, published his paper Theory of the Earth. In this popular paper, Hutton discusses many of the concepts Leonardo da Vinci had hypothesized hundreds of years earlier. Both men refute the Biblical flood as the foundation for formations we know today and assert Earth must be much older than what was previously believed.

Kyra Wilson

The fall of the Bronze Ball

In 1601, the Florence Duomo lost its bronze ball in a raging thunderstorm. Constructed of nearly two tons of gilded copper and being the highest point in this area of Florence, it was only a matter of time before the sphere was struck by lightning. The sphere did come crashing to the ground, but was quickly rebuilt and restored. The fall of the sphere from the Duomo was shocking and jolting to the people of Florence; in response to this, a white stone has been embedded in the ground in the exact place the ball fell in order to memorialize the engineering feat that was accomplished hundreds of years prior by Verrocchio.

Source: The sign of the fall of Verrocchio's golden ball in Forence. (2015, January 07). Retrieved from https://www.guidedflorencetours.com/en/the-sign-of-the-fall-of-verrocchi...

Marissa White

Da Vinci and Parabolic Mirrors

In a note and sketch dating back to approximately 1515, da Vinci references some of the ideals and machines Brunelleschi invented back when he was constructing the duomo. The sketch and note related to some of da Vinci's work on designing parabolic mirrors and he says, "Remember the solders used for soldering the ball on Santa Maria del Fiore (Florence Duomo)." This artifact exemplifies the inspiration Leonardo drew from Brunelleschi and his machines and further proves Leonardo's involvement with the construction of the duomo.

Source: Leonardo da Vinci in Florence: On the Lantern. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://erenow.net/biographies/leonardo-da-vinci-the-flights-of-the-mind...

Marissa White

"Quarry" by Albrecht Dürer

Leonardo never published his findings; however, other artists studied his work to enhance the realism of their own geological depictions. One such artist is Albrecht Dürer, nicknamed the German Leonardo for his intellectual curiosity. His “Quarry” was painted after two visits to Italy in which he studied Leonardo’s work. With emphasis on horizontally stratified rocks and vertical joints, da Vinci and Dürer are able to create open, three-dimensional spaces, an increasingly important aspect of Renaissance paintings.

Kyra Wilson

The death of Brunelleschi

On April 15, 1446, Filippo Brunelleschi, the overseer of the reconstruction of the Florence Duomo, died. His architecture and the machinery he designed to make it possible made a lasting impact not only on Florentine architecture, but inspired Leonardo's love and interest in machinery, physics, and engineering. The death of Brunelleschi also meant that someone else had to be hired to create and place the lantern, bronze ball, and cross at the top of the duomo. Verrocchio was hired for the job, meaning that Leonardo was able to work even closer on the duomo as he was an apprentice of Verrocchio.

Source: Mueller, T., & Yoder, D. (2017, September 19). Brunelleschi's Dome. Retrieved from https://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/2014/02/Il-Duomo/

Marissa White

Completion of Santa Maria del Fiore

Construction of the Santa Maria del Fiore cathedral, also known as il Duomo, was completed in the year 1436. From start to finish, the cathedral took over 140 years to complete. Though Leonardo had no influence on the dome, as it was designed and constructed before he was born, the dome had a great impact on him. Da Vinci loved to incorportate domes into his architectural designs, as they require a combination of mathematical and artistic influences.

Sources: http://www.leonardo-da-vinci.net/architecture/


Photo Source: https://theculturetrip.com/europe/italy/articles/16-interesting-facts-about-florence-cathedral/

Allison Skadberg

Milan Cathedral Design

In 1487, officials in Milan asked architects to submit design ideas for a tiburio, lantern tower, for the top of their under-construction cathedral. Leornardo collaborated with architects Donato Bramante and Francesco di Giorgio on the design. He worked to design a double-shell dome, very similar to the one in Florence's cathedral. However, Leonardo favored a more traditional style, so he did not try to make his dome match the gothic design of the rest of the Milan cathedral. As a result, his designs were rejected and he eventually withdrew his application. The winning designs came from Francesco di Giorgio, and architect from Siena, who Leonardo worked with on other projects later on. 

Source: Isaacson, Walter. “Vitruvian Man”. Leonardo Da Vinci. Simon & Schuster, 2017

Photo Source: http://www.leonardo-da-vinci.net/architecture/

Allison Skadberg

Duke of Milan Hires da Vinci

In 1482, Leonardo left Florence to enter the service of Ludovico Sforza, the Duke of Milan. Under Sforza, Leonardo painted, sculpted, and made designs for machinery, weapons, & buildings. He also did several studies on geometry, construction, canals, and architecture, designing "everything from churches to fortresses." Though he did some traveling and advising on other projects during this time, Leonardo lived in Milan and worked for the Duke until his fall from power in 1499.

Source: https://buffaloah.com/a/virtual/italy/milan/sforza/leo.html

Allison Skadberg
circa. -399 to circa. -350

The Flexible Bow Catapult

Flexible Bow Catapult
Representative Depiction of Dionysius' Catapult

With the specificity of ancient Greek tactical warfare as a quest to conquer cities of breadth, depth, and optimized defense, the rulers of Greek colonies during the fourth century B.C. era became increasingly interested in improving their range and decimating force of weaponry in their lustrous goals to secure any and all sieges or battles.  Thus, the commencement for designing a weapon to redefine infringing warfare began in 399 B.C. when Dionysius the Elder, the Greek ruler of the colony of Syracuse in Sicily, issued a declaration to produce new novel weapons, one of which was the infamous catapult.

Although categorized as the first catapult recorded through conventional documentation, these ancient catapults more closely resembled the common draw-bows of soldiers during this era and utilized what has now been coined, “The Flexible Bow Mechanism,” an apparatus which generates power through tension created by movable sliders.  Thus, these mechanical bows were responsible for launching arrows through the compositionally conglomerative use of composite wooden ores, tension fibers of animal sinew, and wooden compression horns.  Contrary to the depiction of stereotyped catapults, one should note that this initial design remained attached to the human subject as, descriptively, this preliminary design was to be worn across the shoulders of soldiers on the battlefield and strategically placed along a surface once one’s destination was secured.  However, records also suggest that the soldiers of Syracuse were also known to have constructed mobile siege towers that were to overlook enemy city walls and utilize flexible-bow catapult to provide heavy aerial fire.  The design also received notable adjustments in its inception.  This included the preferred use of animal sinew to human or horsehair for optimized elastic tension, the addition of linear ratchets alongside the weapon’s main stock which increased the resistive force of the bow, and the use of a circular rachet to allow winches to be used in the drawing of the highly compressed bow. 

Furthermore, the weapon’s highly optimized precision was said to have made the catapult an attractive device for the ruling Greek commissioners.  Thus, due to the increased precision of the bow, the size of the design quickly increased to favor more impactful assaults.  While no longer permitting the mobility of the device by mere human strength, the catapult required a lower pedestal for stability purposes.  To facilitate this change in design, the ancient engineers of Syracuse were recorded as the creators of the first iteration of the universal joint, a mechanism which is commonly thought to originate in the 16th and 17th century by either Girolamo Cardano or Robert Hooke.  While there is not any official recording for the approximate range of these early catapults, these weapons were said to have been able to utilize arrows nearly two meters long and decimate enemy forces with deadly accuracy.


History of Catapults - Physics of Catapults. (n.d.). Retrieved May 6, 2019, from https://sites.google.com/site/physicsofcatapults/home/history-of-catapults

Yurtoğlu, N. (2018). Http://www.historystudies.net/dergi//birinci-dunya-savasinda-bir-asayis-sorunu-.... History Studies International Journal of History, 10(7), 241-264. doi:10.9737/hist.2018.658


Benjamin Koszyk
circa. -350 to circa. 500

The Torsion Catapult

Torsion Catapult
Representative Depiction of Torsion Catapult

Transitioning from the Flexible Bow catapult 50 years prior, the increasing interest in the utility of the catapult lead to the subsidization of the next phase of this devastating weapon, the Torsion Catapult.  Commissioned by Philip of Macedon, the father of Alexander the Great, around 350 B.C., the newly developed catapult utilized what is referred to as the torsion principle, a system which requires tightly wound fibers being drawn to a notched pull.  This specific catapult apparatus significantly improved the range and precision of the previous catapult design and was largely unchanged for many centuries.  With slight adjustments deriving from physicists and engineers such as Philo of Byzantium, Archimedes of Syracuse, Hero of Alexandria, and Vitruvius of Rome, the torsion catapult was able to transition from launching arrows the size of light javelins and handheld stones to projectiles weighing as much as 78 kilograms.  Moreover, according to Vitruvius, these catapults, when unloaded, were capable of weighing 162 kilograms and most commonly launched projectiles ranging from 13 to 26 kilograms at a range of 640 meters.  With their high degree of intrinsic accuracy and wall-penetrating power, historical commanders ranging from Alexander the Great to Julius Caesar were known for utilizing these weapons in significant historical battles such as the siege of Gaza in 332 B.C., the Roman siege of Syracuse from 213 to 211 B.C., and the siege of Jerusalem in 63 B.C.


With the advent of this creative weapon, shifts in politics and society arose.  Firstly, the increased mechanization of warfare displaced the human-to-human contact and denounced the personability of war as one’s emotional investment in eliciting physical violence was replaced by strategic aerial assault tactics.  This increased separation of battling forces was noted by Philo of Byzantium in 200 B.C. as he claimed, in his artillery manual, that a wall had to be at least 4.62 meters thick to withstand catapult stones and that the minimum distance to maintain between the walls of a defensive fortress and a catapult should be at least 150 meters.  Thus, by noting that a wall-reducing device was now readily available in warfare, new social constructs had to be developed in order to preserve social living space.  For example, Aristotle, in the mid-4th century B.C. was quoted in suggesting that the newly popularized quadrilateral city blocks of ancient civilizations be combined with the prior, ancient landscapes, such as motes, inner-city defense walls, and ditches, in order to maintain structural composition of these newly developing cities when subjected to the decimating force of invading catapults.  Conversely, the introduction of the torsion catapult also significantly redefined the Eurasian political landscape as Alexander the Great’s successfully dominating conquest was considerably assisted by his use of this optimized weapon.  With the development of the catapult proving to be an imperative military marvel, the equality of arms in warfare was lost and the technical skills necessary to operate mechanical weapons foreshadowed the first differentiations of status amongst military operations.  Moreover, the specialized knowledge in mathematical and technical skills required to construct and maintain catapults thus increased the social status of catapult engineers as military experts and allowed them to survive political purges.


International Symposium on History of Machines and Mechanisms : Proceedings of HMM 2008, edited by Hong-Sen Yan, and Marco Ceccarelli, Springer, 2009. ProQuest Ebook Central, http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/purdue/detail.action?docID=417096. Created from purdue on 2019-05-09 18:07:26.

Yurtoğlu, N. (2018). Http://www.historystudies.net/dergi//birinci-dunya-savasinda-bir-asayis-sorunu-.... History Studies International Journal of History, 10(7), 241-264. doi:10.9737/hist.2018.658

Benjamin Koszyk
circa. -350

Ctesibius’ Catapult and The Repeating Catapult

Ctesibius Catapult
Representative Depiction of Ctesibius' Catapult

With the domination of the catapult now solidified in the social and pollical hierarchies of ancient civilizations, efforts to further improve the catapult were attempted.  Beginning with Ctesibius of Alexandria in mid-3rd century B.C., this ancient engineer was credited with an attempt to use airtight cylinders and compress bronze springs to pivot rigid firing arms to a point of optimized tension.  However, with the compression of air and the introduction of piston friction, unexpected fire and smoke emitted from the catapult’s cylinder were responsible for decreasing both the structural rigidity, as the carpenter’s glue used to construct the device was heated, and range of Ctesibius’ catapult.

Furthermore, simultaneous development also begun on what is referred to as the “Repeating Catapult” by Dionysius of Alexandria in an arsenal in Rhodes.  The repeating catapult, an invention which employed mechanisms not reintroduced until the Renaissance, was a theoretically and idealized model with the intention to automatically fire arrows until a revolving drum containing ammunition was emptied.  Essentially proposing a model for an ancient machine gun, this catapult was most notable for its inclusion of a flat-linked chain drive system which was to be later popularized and accredited to Leonardo da Vinci during the early 1500s.  This flat-link chain drive, resembling that used on a modern bicycle chain, was to run over a five-sided prism and repeatedly turn a winch to release and draw the main stock of the weapon.  Regarding da Vinci’s later involvement with the chain-drive device, this chain drive mechanism precisely embodies what he idolized as the fundamental relationship between an object’s mass and velocity while investigating the basic laws of perpetual motion.  Ultimately, this design was never developed due to its paradoxical ability to only fire concentrated shots at a minuscule range of 200 meters that could not be dispersed away from one central target before running out of ammunition.


Rossi, C., & Russo, F. (2010). A reconstruction of the Greek–Roman repeating catapult. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 45(1), 36-45. doi:10.1016/j.mechmachtheory.2009.07.011

Yurtoğlu, N. (2018). Http://www.historystudies.net/dergi//birinci-dunya-savasinda-bir-asayis-sorunu-.... History Studies International Journal of History, 10(7), 241-264. doi:10.9737/hist.2018.658

Benjamin Koszyk
circa. -300 to circa. 1500

The Onager Mangonel Catapult

The Onager Mangonel Catapult
Representative Depiction of Onager Mangonel Catapult

Developed presumably during the early Roman era from what many believe to be 300 to 400 B.C., the manganon, or the “engine of war,” is what many believe constitutes today’s classification of an ancient catapult.  Consisting of a singular launch and block arm, this machine was designed to be pulled to a desired pitch angle from its naturally perpendicular orientation relative to the ground in order to be released to fire a loaded projectile under the properties of torque and angular acceleration.  The desired launch angle of the projectile could also be adjusted by placing the block arm horizontally closer or farther from the launch arm when placed at its maximum downward position.  Moreover, the mangonel was said to have the capabilities of firing projectiles distances of over 1,000 feet (with a maximum of 1,300 feet), and required less mechanical knowledge to develop, maintain, and operate.  According to the ancient Roman historian, Ammianus Marcellinus, these devices were also said to yield significantly greater forces of impact than the previously employed bow and torsion-based catapults.  Additionally, according to the ancient Romans, the power and motion of the mangonel catapult mimicked the ferocity of an “onagoras” or “a wild ass,” eventually solidifying the catapult’s full name as the catapult containing the ferocity of wild animals.


History of Catapults - Physics of Catapults. (n.d.). Retrieved May 6, 2019, from https://sites.google.com/site/physicsofcatapults/home/history-of-catapults

Yurtoğlu, N. (2018). Http://www.historystudies.net/dergi//birinci-dunya-savasinda-bir-asayis-sorunu-.... History Studies International Journal of History, 10(7), 241-264. doi:10.9737/hist.2018.658

Benjamin Koszyk
circa. -100 to circa. -60

Antikythera Mechanism

This is the first ever recorded use of clockwork, and dates back to Ancient Greece, It is speculated to have been used to predict astronomical events such as eclipses, or perhaps to track the 4-year cycle of ancient olympic games. 

After detailed imaging, it is suggested that the original mechanism contained 37 gears to follow the sun and the moon, to predict eclipses,

Eric Liu
circa. 1

Early Civilizations Introduce Concept of Structural Reciprocity

Structural reciprocity is a design concept in which different load-bearing elements in a design support each other along the length of the element, allowing for an even distribution of weight across the structure rather than strictly at the ends. Early civilizations demonstrated knowledge of this concept through their homes, even if they had not formally named it yet. For instance, Neolithic civilizations constructed pit dwellings built of structurally reciprocal elements as early as 10,000 to 4,500 BCE. Additionally, Eskimo tents and and teepees constructed by Native Americans also used structural reciprocity in their design. During the reign of Julius Caesar, this concept was translated to infrastructure through the construction of a bridge that spanned the Rhine River composed of interlocking wood. The ancient Chinese also used structural reciprocity by weaving baskets with interwoven bamboo strips and constructing interwoven circular roofs in Buddhist temples.


Pugnale, A., & Sassone, M. (2014). Structural Reciprocity: Critical Overview and Promising Research/Design Issues. Nexus Network Journal, 16(1), 9-35. Retrieved May 16, 2019, from https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00004-014-0174-z

[Portrait of Gauis Iulius Caesar. Marble, augustan age, Roma, Musei Vaticani, Museo Pio Clementino, Galleria dei Busti]. (n.d.). Retrieved May 16, 2019, from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Gaius_Iulius_Caesar_Vatican.jpeg

The image, taken from Wikimedia Commons, is in the public domain.

Katherine Li
circa. 1 to circa. 1

Euclid's Elements (300 BC)

A sketch taken from a Latin translation of Elements

With its five postulates and thirteen books, Euclid’s Elements (written circa 300 BCE) set the precedent for the way humans do mathematics, establishing a norm of clearly stated assumptions and carefully delineated logic when giving a proof. As such, Elements was the seminal text for geometry in the plane well until the nineteenth century when new geometric paradigms supplanted Euclidean geometry. The revived interest in the intellectual achievements of the Greeks during the Renaissance certainly included a fascination with Euclidean geometry, which provided the mathematical underpinnings for Renaissance painters to develop perspective, a technique used to represent a three-dimensional image on a flat surface. While perspective was an important feature in da Vinci’s paintings, it was also a crucial aspect in his geometric sketches in which he was tasked with finding the best way to depict complicated three-dimensional geometric figures in the plane. Lastly, Elements established a norm of codifying mathematical knowledge into a single text, a norm that Luca Pacioli (the geometer for whom da Vinci created geometric sketches) strived to uphold with his comprehensive mathematical summaries such as De Divina Proportione and Summa de arithmetica, geometria, proportioni et proportionalita (the first of which necessitated da Vinci’s artistic abilities for illustrations).


Kline, Morris. “Projective Geometry.” Scientific American, vol. 192, no. 1, 1955, pp. 80–86., doi:10.1038/scientificamerican0155-80.

“Luca Pacioli.” Luca Pacioli (1445-1517), School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of St. Andrews, Scotland, www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/Biographies/Pacioli.html.

Shearer, Rhonda Roland. “Chaos Theory and Fractal Geometry: Their Potential Impact on the Future of Art.” Leonardo, vol. 25, no. 2, 1992, pp. 143–152., doi:10.2307/1575702.

The image source is Wikimedia Commons, and it is in the public domain in the United States because it was published (or registered with the U.S. Copyright Office) before January 1, 1924.

Garrett Mulcahy

Archytas Creates the Flying Pigeon

Archytas, a Greek philosopher who lived between 428 BC and 347 BC, is believed to be one of the first people to investigate the idea of flight. He created a steam-powered flying pigeon sometime during his lifetime; however, the exact timing of this invention is unknown. The naming of this device came from the fact that it resembled the shape of a pigeon: wings on either side and a pointed front like a beak. The pigeon contained an opening at its rear which was connected to a heated boiler. The steam produced by the heated water caused an increase in pressure that produced the force required to eject the pigeon, which was reported to fly for several hundred meters.

Source (text and image):

Reese, M. R. (2014). The steam-powered pigeon of Archytas—the flying machine of antiquity. Ancient Origins. Retreived from https://www.ancient-origins.net/ancient-technology/steam-powered-pigeon-archytas-flying-machine-antiquity-002179.

Ali Jeffries

The Geocentric Model

Image depicting Geocentric model vs Heliocentric model
Geocentric model vs Heliocentric model

Ancient Greek Philosophers such as Aristotle, Plato, and others, porposed the geocentric model of the universe, claiming that the Earth was the center of the universe and all the planets and the stars revolved around us in concentric circles.  This theory was then ammended by Ptolemy to account for the changes in certain planet's luminosity.  He determined that, rather than the planets and the sun simply be orbiting around the Earth, they would simultaneously be moved by a system of two spheres creating a second path of circular motion (shown in the below link).  This explaination was widly accepted for over a thousand years, including the time da Vinci lived.


Corinne Evans
circa. 30

Vitruvius publishes "De Architectura" (30 BC)

Vitruvius's sketches on human proportions
Vitruvius's sketches on human proportions

Between 30-20 BC, Vitruvius publishes "De Architectura", a book that serves as a foundation for architecture, engineering, and town planning. Vitruvius also elaborates on proportionality in the human body and relates it to the construction of a pleasing temple structure. In these passages, Vitruvius's descriptions of human proportions would inspire Leonardo da Vinci to draw his "Vitruvian Man". 

Source: Isaacson, Walter. “Vitruvian Man”. Leonardo Da Vinci. Simon & Schuster, 2017.

Photo Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:De_architectura_libri_dece_Wellc...

Alexa Lahey
circa. 30 to circa. 30

The Baptism of Jesus

Baptism of Christ Baptistry in Florence
Baptism of Jesus

Along the River Jordan in Palestine, Jesus was baptized by St. John the Baptist. Baptism is the first Christian Sacrament and is the pouring of water over one’s head. Baptism cleanses the receivers of their sins, including Original sin, and the welcomes them into the Christian Church. The Baptism of Jesus is the first Baptism mentioned in the Bible, thus instilling the sacrament, and giving Christian’s an example that is still followed today. Jesus' Baptism is also the first time the Trinity (The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit) is seen all together in the Bible. All three persons of God were present at the Baptism, showcasing the significance of the event. As Jesus was baptized the heavens opened up, a dove (the Holy Spirit) came down and rested on Jesus, and the Father's voice was heard from the Heavens. 

Source: https://www.compellingtruth.org/Jesus-baptized.html

Image retrieved from WikiMedia Commons: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Baptism_of_Christ_Baptistery_Florence_copy.jpg

Cara McCormick
circa. 1 Apr 33

The Last Supper

The subject matter of Leonardo da Vinci’s Last Supper is a major event recorded in the Bible during the life of Jesus Christ - the last meal that Jesus had with his disciples prior to his arrest and crucifixion, where he predicts aloud that one of his disciples will betray him. The after effects and shock from this statement is the moment that is portrayed in da Vinci’s painting. The biblical Last Supper also begins the tradition of the Eucharist, the ritual of consuming bread and wine as Jesus’ body and blood, which still occurs during Christian Mass every Sunday. There is debate about the specific date on which the Last Supper occurred, but new research points to April of AD 33, and the traditional location in which it would have taken place is Mount Zion, in Jerusalem.

As the event of the Last Supper is so important to Christianity, it was painted over and over throughout multiple different art paradigms, as even well into the Renaissance the vast majority of art depicted religious events. With such a popular topic, it only makes sense for da Vinci to have painted it as well.


McKenny, L. (April 17, 2011). New theory on date of Last Supper. Retrieved from https://www.smh.com.au/world/new-theory-on-date-of-last-supper-20110416-...

Lipnick, J. (September 7, 2016). Where Did Jesus Eat The Last Supper? Retrieved from https://blog.israelbiblicalstudies.com/holy-land-studies/where-did-jesus...

Leila Yanni
circa. 80

The Birth of Vitruvius (80 BC)

Portrait of Vitruvius

Vitruvius was born around 80 BC. He was a famous military engineer and architect. While most of his life is undocumented (including exactly where he lived), it is known that was alive while Italy was under the rule of the Roman Empire. He is most known for his theories about proportions in temples and the human body, including the first recorded measurements that would inspire da Vinci to sketch his Vitruvian Man.

Source: Isaacson, Walter. “Vitruvian Man”. Leonardo Da Vinci. Simon & Schuster, 2017.

Photo Source: https://www.thefamouspeople.com/profiles/vitruvius-34320.php

Alexa Lahey
circa. 1200 to circa. 1299

The Quomodo Organistrum Construatur is Written

The earliest clear influence in the playing mechanism of the viola organista does not necessarily come from bowed instruments themselves. Rather, the hurdy-gurdy is a more concrete example of the method of sound generation that da Vinci was searching for. The hurdy-gurdy is an instrument similar to a violin, with a hand crank to vibrate the strings and keys to signify specific notes. While the instrument was depicted in various forms throughout the 12th century, the first manuscript detailing how to divide the tuning into a diatonic scale was released in the 13th century, titled the Quomodo Organistrum Construatur. The author of this piece is debated, as the person it is often attributed to, Odo of Cluny, died centuries before the volume was completed. Separate instruments including various combinations of wheel-cranks and keys were combined and refined in this document. These instruments were likely used for newly written polyphonic music in Catholic monasteries, including ones in Italy. One string was typically designated for drones, allowing for much easier creation of polyphonic parts, as the player did not need to actively play the string separately because of the unified hand-crank.

Severini, G. (2018, December 17). Organistrum / Symphonia keyboard in Santiago de Compostela cathedral. Retrieved from https://liuteriaseverini.it/index.php?Itemid=1014&id=42:inquiry-into-a-t...

Hurdy-gurdy (Medieval). (n.d.). Retrieved May 14, 2019, from https://caslabs.case.edu/medren/medieval-instruments/hurdy-gurdy-medieval/

Hurdy-Gurdy [Digital image]. (2005, February 17). Retrieved from https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plik:Hurdy-Gurdy.jpg

Christopher Embry
circa. 1280 to circa. 1280

Verge and Foliet Clock

The animated motion of a Verge escapement

The Verge and Foliet are the first escapements to be used to construct the first mechanical clocks. Using a notched wheel and a rod wih two plates, the rotational motion of the wheel can be controlled and regulated into small ticks. These escapements were used in all clocks until the pendulum was introduced, and da Vinci used these mechanisms in his own clockwork.

Eric Liu

The Construction of the Duomo begins

In 1296 the Florence Duomo began construction. Florentines desired a symbol to showcase the power and status of their city, and at this time there was no better way to do that than to create one of the largest and most immaculate cathedrals in the world. The duomo at its beginning had a Florentine Gothic style, until its reconstruction under Brunelleschi, when it transformed to more of a Renaissance style.

Source: Leonardo da Vinci in Florence: On the Lantern. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://erenow.net/biographies/leonardo-da-vinci-the-flights-of-the-mind...

Marissa White
circa. 1400 to circa. 1400

Oil Paint as a Medium

Up until the 15th century, the most common medium for painting was tempura paint. Tempura paint dries very quickly, meaning artist using tempura could not easily blend colors. Tempura paintings have been found from about 3000 BC. on early Egyptian sarcophagi decorations, thus showing how long tempura had been the most common medium. This shows monumental the transition from tempura to oil paint truly was. Oil paint began to make its way to Europe in the 12th century but was not widely adopted until the 15th century. The appeal to oil paint was that it dried slowly which allowed artist to continually work the paint. This allowed for artist to blend the paints thus allowing for softened transitions between colors, and results in a more accurate depiction of shading. The technique spread to Italy in the late 1400's starting in Venice and by 1540 oil painting completely dominated as the most popular medium - tempura was no longer being used at all. Oil paints often only came in a few premade colors, there artists had to mix small amounts of colors to create more shades, often done on a wooden palette. The crescent shaped wooden palette that is typically a symbol of an art, is in reference to oil painters. 

Sources: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tempera    



Image retrieved from Wikimedia Commons:  https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Cadmium-paints-amy-lavine.jpg


Cara McCormick

Brunelleschi is Hired to Build the Dome

In 1418, Brunelleschi is hired to build the dome. The former cathedral ceiling was worn down and leaked often. Brunelleschi's vison for a dome top was a new concept and was not at first embraced because of the engineering challenges it engages. Eventually, however, his plan went through and he was able to begin construction on the dome.

Marissa White
1425 to 1454

Wars in Lombardy:

Italy in 1494
Italy in 1494

The wars in Lombardy were a series of struggles between the Republic of Venice and the Duchy of Milan, leading to the five major Italian territorial powers that make up the map of Italy until the Italian Wars (i.e., Venice, Milan, Florence, Naples, and the Papacy). The wars ravaged the economy of Lombardy and weakened the power of Venice. The Peace of Lodi in 1454 brought 40 years of comparative peace to Northern Italy. This is the time of the Medici rule of Florence, first Cosimo de’ Medici, then Piero “the Gouty,” then Lorenzo Il Magnifico.  The death of Lorenzo marked the end of the Golden Age of Renaissance Florence. Both Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo Buonarroti were active (and tied to Lorenzo) during this period. In 1428, Venice acquired Brescia and Bergamo as a result of this struggle.

Dino Franco Felluga
15 Apr 1452

Leonardo da Vinci

  Leonardo da Vinci was born April 15, 1452 in Vinci, Italy. As a child he did not have any special formal education, but when he was a teenager his father recognized his artistic talent and arranged for him to be trained under the famous artist Andrea del Verrochio from Florence. From this apprenticeship he was introduced to many technical skills such as metal working, as well as improving his painting and sculpting techniques. Since he was a scientist, artist, and inventor among many other things, his knowledge of many disciplines gave him the title of a Renaissance Man. His most famous paintings are the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper, and he is also recognized for his study of human anatomy and his many inventions. He died at 67 in the year 1519. Image source: Wikimedia commons, listed as public domain in the United States because it is a photographic reproduction of a public domain work of art. 
Juliana Ilmain
29 May 1453

The Fall of Constantinople

The fall of Constantinople marked the end of the Byzantine Empire after ten centuries of war. The Ottoman Turks defeated felled the city and ended the European Middle Ages. 

The Byzantine Empire had been a bastion of Christian Europe facing Muslim Asia. The Ottoman Turks were expanding their empire and saw Constantinople as a center of the rival Christian faith and a symbol of imperial power. 

Constantinople had held off many attempts to destroy or capture it but was declining in power over the years. Mehmed II set out to take the city in the spring of 1453 and used the sea to gain access to the city. Initial attacks failed, but on May 29th, Mehmed launched attacks from the sea and the land simultaneously.  The Ottomans were finally able to overwhelm the defenses due to the use of gunpowder-powered cannons. After gaining access past the walls, the Ottomans killed the emperor and massacred the citizens. 

Mehmed rode a white horse down streets that ran with blood to Hagia Sophia, the city's famed cathedral. He used the cathedral as a mosque to say prayers of thanks for the victory. 

The fall of Constantinople was important because it was a watershed moment in military history. The city had defended itself with walls and ramparts since ancient times. These fortifications were used as the model of many later cities. The end of the Byzantine Empire marks the end of the Medieval period.  

Bunting, Tony. “Fall of Constantinople.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 22 May 2018, www.britannica.com/event/Fall-of-Constantinople-1453.

“Fall of Constantinople.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 2 May 2019, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fall_of_Constantinople.

Lindsay Rubin
9 Apr 1454

The Treaty of Lodi

Italy after the Treaty of Lodi

The Treaty of Lodi was the peace agreement between Milan, Naples, and Florence. It was signed in Lodi, Lombardy by Milan, Venice, and Florence. It ended the Wars in Lombardy.  The treaty established boundaries between Milanese and Venetian territories in northern Italy.  The balance of power was established and excluded the smaller states. A second agreement was signed August 30th in Venice. The purpose of this agreement was establishing principles of non-aggression.

The Treaty of Lodi was significant because it brought Milan and Naples into a definitive peace alliance with Florence. The treaty provided a new state system model and institutionalized a regional balance of power built on diplomacy.  However, the balance of power was disrupted in 1494 with the start of the Italian Wars.  

“Treaty of Lodi.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 24 Sept. 2018, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Lodi.

Lindsay Rubin

Paolo Uccello's The Hunt in the Forest

Paolo Uccello was an Italian painter who died just before the Renaissance. In one of his last paintings titled The Hunt in the Forest, we can see perspective beginning to appear in art. Uccello's piece also is a great example of how plants and trees were painted during the pre-Renaissance. His plants show variation and stand out from each other, but they still don't look like a real tree. Uccello's plants in the foreground also still maintain the symbolic look rather than the realistic look that would appear during the Renaissance.

Image from Wikimedia Commons, commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Paolo_Uccello_The_Hunt_in_the_Forest.jpg. This image is under common domain and free use.

Kayla Cole

Lorenzo de Medici

Lorenzo de Medici, the grandson of Cosimo de Medici, came to power in 1469. Lorenzo is thought of as the most powerful patron of the Medici family and is remembered as the greatest patron in the history of Italy. Some of the talent Lorenzo sponsored as a patron includes Michelangelo Buonarroti and Leonardo da Vinci, two of the most famous people in history. Under Lorenzo's rule, Florence earned its reputation as the most beautiful city in Europe. Additionally, the economy of Florence prospered like never before. 
Mara Kossoff
circa. 1472 to circa. 1475

Verrocchio and DaVinci paint 'The Baptism of Christ'

"The Baptism of Christ" was commissioned to Verrochio by the monks of San Salvi, a church located in Florence. It is thought that the painting was worked on by Verrocchio, DaVinci, and possibly one other older artist. At the time it was very common for artist to paint the main figure and leave the secondary figures to their pupils. It is thought an older artist may have painted the dove and the hands for the appear to be less developed than the rest of the painting. DaVinci is known to have painted the left angel in the painting as well as Jesus' figure and parts of the background.  In the background it can be seen that DaVinci began to play with sunlight, mist and shadows giving the painting three-dimensional feel, while the parts of the background Verrocchio did, such as the trees, have more of a static feel. DaVinci used oil paint for his parts of the painting. Oil paints allowed DaVinci to create smoother transitions and gradients between his colors, creating a more realistic look. These smooth transitions can be seen in the shadows and shading of Verrocchio’s parts of the painting, such as the hair of the angel and the shading of Jesus’s body. Something unique DaVinci did was give his angel’s face emotion as well as have the angel be paying attention to the main event of the painting. At the time is was not common for secondary figures to display either of these things. Most secondary figures were depicted like Verrocchio’s angel, staring off bored into the distance. This is just another aspect displaying how ahead of his time DaVinci truly was.

Source: https://www.leonardodavinci.net/the-baptism-of-christ.jsp 

image was found on Wikimedia https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Baptism_of_Christ_by_Andrea_del_Verrocchio.jpg

Cara McCormick
5 Aug 1473 to 5 Aug 1473

The First Work: "La Valle dell'Arno"

La Valle Dell'Arno

The first of his drawings, Da Vinci sketched "La Valle dell'Arno" when he was 21. It is one of the first pieces to show a landscape without any religious symbols or human. With the Renaissance occurring at this time, it only goes to show how daring Da Vinci was in terms of separating the church from the artistic and scientific aspects of life. Instead, viewers see an approximately to scale scene of the Arno Valley and without any elements beings completely distorted to show how God may see the world. This was an essential development as maps at this time were influenced by artists' views and Da Vinci showed that not everything needed to have a relation to God or the church. Additionally, it encouraged the idea that scale can be shown in an image with human viewers in mind, thus there should be a direct relationship between the actual landscape and that drawn.

Source: “Landscape Drawing for Santa Maria Della Neve - by Leonardo Da Vinci.” Leonardodavinci.net, www.leonardodavinci.net/landscape-drawing-for-santa-maria-della-neve.jsp.

Chloe Romero
circa. 1475

Cesare Borgia is born

Cesare Borgia is born around 1475. Leonardo da Vinci would later be a patron of Borgia from 1502 to 1503.

Mallett, Michael Edward. “Cesare Borgia.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 28 Mar. 2019, www.britannica.com/biography/Cesare-Borgia-duke-of-Valentinois.

Ben Hardin
1475 to 1475

Verrocchio gives up the brush

  In recent times, X-rays have been done on the painting 'The Baptism of Christ' that reveal a completely different outline for the angel that DaVinci painted. This indicates DaVinci followed his own vision rather than his master's from very early on in his career (he was only in his early 20's at this time). Often times people say Davinci's angel stands out from the rest of the painting for it is significantly better, as it is far more realistic and detailed. After seeing DaVinci's detailed and far superior angel in their painting "The Baptism of Christ", Verrocchio became embarrassed and ashamed that his pupil was a better artist than him. It is said that after realizing this he vowed, out of shame, to give up painting for the rest of his life. This rang true, as "The Baptism of Christ" is Verrocchio's last known painting. He continued work as an artist but focused on drawing and sculptures. After this time Verrocchio completed some of his best works such as "The Doubting Thomas" located outside the OrsanMichele in Florence or the "Equestrian statue of Bartolomeo Colleoni" in Venice, Italy.

Sources:  http://www.leonardo-da-vinci.net/baptism-of-christ/

Image was found on Wikipedia https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b2/Christ_with_St._Thomas_the_Apostle_of_India.jpg


Cara McCormick
circa. 1478 to circa. 1519

Leonardo da Vinci Incorporates Structural Reciprocity in Other Designs

Leonardo da Vinci demonstrated a thorough understanding of structural reciprocity not just through his arched bridge design, but also through his design of complex geometric structures that could form domes or roofs. He was one of the first scientists in the West to propose complex architectural designs composed of reciprocal structures that extended into three dimensional space. This was revolutionary for the time, as much of Western architecture was predicated upon hierarchical, rather than reciprocal, logic. In the Codex Atlanticus, da Vinci proposed a series of six designs of interconnected, reciprocal geometric shapes. Though the exact date of these designs is not identified, they most likely informed or went hand-in-hand with da Vinci’s work on the arched bridge. Both indicate that da Vinci was thinking about space in innovative ways that no engineers or architects had done before.


Pugnale, A., & Sassone, M. (2014). Structural Reciprocity: Critical Overview and Promising Research/Design Issues. Nexus Network Journal, 16(1), 9-35. Retrieved May 16, 2019, from https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00004-014-0174-z

Taddei, M. (2006). [Unique edition of the Codex Atlanticus as a box. Made by Mario Taddei in the 2007]. Retrieved May 16, 2019, from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Mario_Taddei_Unique_edition_of_the_Codex_Atlanticus_-_Codice_Atlantico-www.mariotaddei.net_(27b).jpg

Photo, taken from Wikimedia Commons, is free to use under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 License.

Katherine Li
1479 to 1482

Da Vinci contributes to Colleoni monument in Verrocchio's workshop

Leonardo Da Vinci heavily contributed to Verrocchio's Colleoni equestrian statue monument from both an artistic and structural engineering standpoint. Artistically, his anatomical studies of horses and his notebook entries of the horse's frame by frame movements impacted the Colleoni monument design (Kulenovic and von Platen). In particular, his sketches of the horse's suspended leg and warrior's face are reflected in the monument design. His engineering principles relating to structural stability of the horse with only three ground points are seen through his splitting of the horse into two parts, his idea of removing the inner structure and casting each individual piece into bronze, and the running of a tension bean through the two parts of the horse from the tail to the front of the harness to hold it together (Kulenovic and von Platen). By saving bronze, he saved money and decreased the weight of the horse, which improved stability. The Colleoni monument served as one of the first representations of Da Vinci's ability to combine art and engineering principles.


Kulenovic, R., & Von Platen, F. (n.d.). Questions Concerning the Equestrian Statue in Remembrance of the Condottiere Bartolemeo Colleoni in Venice Created in the Workshop of Andrea Del Verrocchio. Retrieved from http://www.museumldv.com/venice.htm

Juliana Sarisky
