Inspirations for the Vitruvian Man
Francesco di Giorgio’s sketch of Vitruvian Man features a semi-turned male figure enclosed within a perfect circle centered around the genitals.


Leonardo da Vinci got visual inspiration from two main sketches; one from Francesco di Giorgio and Giacomo Andrea. They both were friends with da Vinci and met with him personally around Lombardy in 1490 and discussed their sketches. Francesco di Giorgio’s sketch of Vitruvian Man features a sketched semi-turned male figure enclosed within a perfect circle centered around the genitals. Giacomo Andrea's Vitruvian Man features a male figure enclosed in a circle and a square, but the body measurements are not as accurate as Vitruvian's original descriptions. 


Isaacson, Walter. “Vitruvian Man”. Leonardo Da Vinci. Simon & Schuster, 2017.

Associated Place(s)

Timeline of Events Associated with Inspirations for the Vitruvian Man


  • Francesco di Giorgio and Giacomo Andrea

Image Date: 

The middle of the month Feb 21st century