The Dangers of Forcible Feeding

On October 8th 1909, an article called "The Dangers of Forcible Feeding" was published in the News Paper Votes For Women. The newspaper itself was founded in October 1907,  it was the offical news paper for the Women's Social and Political Union (WPSU). The news paper was a monthly issue with weekly additions to keep up-to-date. In the article "The Dangers of Forcible Feeding" was published as a way for people to be informed about the cruelty of forced feeding. The article also contained signatures from men and women who pratice madicine to have someone intervene and prevent anymore forced feedings from happening.

The image shown is just one of the many ways women in the suffragette movement were forceably fed, another way they were fed was by having the woman held down to the ground while the tube was inserted through the nose and down the throat. This image in particular was used to show the people as well as goverment officals how suffragettes were being treated while in the care of the prison's docotrs and care takers. The main goal was to have people vote to stop the force feedings done to suffragette members.

The Dangers of Forcible Feeding

Associated Place(s)

Event date:

8 Oct 1909

Parent Chronology: