Jamaica becomes a Crown Colony

When the abolishment of the transatlantic slave trade occured the cost of planters increase in Jamaica. Many slaves then moved to different parts of Jamacia, leaving the plantations to family regions farming there. In 1846 the sales price of sugar continued to decline and legislation started to make poor decision on taxations. To try and fix the problems that were happening, Sir Charles T. Metcalfe and James Bruce brought Indian plantation workers in which leaded to the entire planatation system collapsing. 

Due to Govenor Eyre neglecting to find helpful opinions in fixing the conditions that the fields were in for planting, an abundance of meetings started to come up that are protesting, attempting to alleviate the harsh conditions that are occurring on the island. Over time, letters were sent back and forth from George Gordon and Govenor Eyre/ the Queen but nothing was relieved, the Queen shut it down by telling the "middle class" to look within their system to get it fixed. Poor slaves in 1865 rioted a town in Morant Bay, murdering the chief magistrate and 18 other European ancestry. Govenor John Eyre declared marital law and hanging the leader, Paul Bogle along with this aid George William Gordon. In the West Indies many people were in favor of the decison that John Eyre made but those in Britian were in disagreement especially on what should happen to Govenor Eyre. 

Govenor Eyre wanted to break down the government of Jamaica to essentially create a more centralized government. The communicated betweenthe Jamaican government and Colonial goverment was "awkward" or quite silent, so the goal to make Jamaica a Crowned Colony was the goal. In 1866, the Jamacian assembly decided to stripe Govenor Eyre of his responsibilities and declaring Jamaica a crowned colony under Parliment. Killing so many people of color, Governor Eyre was looked down upon in England which brought upon the new governor Sir John Peter Grant. 




Associated Place(s)

Event date:

circa. 1865 to circa. 1866

Parent Chronology: