Blog Post #5 || Oct 8th || Module 5

I really enjoyed the interpretative process of curating the numerous editions and renditions of Christina Rossetti’s Goblin Market. It really makes me realize that the process of judging a book by its cover is just as important as getting textual information from the work itself. At the same time, it also made me realize that modern-day interpretations really does influence and impose itself on Victorian texts and what they can or can’t handle.The process itself was fun as it made behave to actively look at the details of the illustrations that are often overlooked or skipped over.

I was honestly surprised that Goblin Market had been illustrated for children more so than the pornographic audience—not because of its sex and violence, but at the general idea that children would also found goblin Market interesting to read about. It makes me curious as to what their interpretations of the text would be if there was no illustrations to it—focusing more so on the words. Seeing as the Victorian period had seen children as “little adults” and associated them as being capable, its interesting that modern desire to baby children has coloured our images and assumed that everyone must have babied kids. It really makes you think.

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A Child's Response to Goblin Market

At the end of "Goblin Market as a Cross-Audienced Poem," I write about giving the poem, unillustrated, in an academic anthology edition, to my then 11-year old daughter to read. She loved the poem, and enthused about how much the sisters loved each other and how one saved the other. When I asked her if she found the poem frightening at all, there was a long pause. Then she said, "I think I would have found it frightening, if I had understood it." I think she meant that she understood the plot about the sisters, but gathered that there was a darker subtext she didn't understand. The other interesting thing about adaptations of Goblin Market for children is that often, what's cut out is the story of Jeanie, "who should have been a bride,/But who for joys/Brides hope to have/Fell sick and died / in her gay prime...." In other words, death was sometimes considered as taboo in children's literatutre as sex. Interesting context to add to image/text analysis....