Archival Speculation


Dear Son,

Happy twenty-first birthday, I feel this book, the Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyam, will serve you well on your adventures to New York come Spring. Ironically it was published in New York in 1941 and I figured you’d appreciate the antiquity of it. I chose this edition of the text because I know how convenient a pocket book can be on the train to and from your internship at the law office. I hope you remember this gift before buying your friends drinks as, “Come, fill the Cup, and in the Fire of Spring," (Stanza VII). Turning twenty-one can be daunting but I have faith you’ll handle yourself in a new city politely. 

I have scribbled on the title page to make it uniquely yours (Image 1). I remember highlighting the first part of every word while teaching you how to read and slowly as you got better, all you needed were a few ticks to get you going. If your children need that tip someday, these rubai are a good place to start their practice. “Better be merry with the fruitful Grape / Than sadden after none, or bitter, Fruit” (Stanza XXXIX). I know how much you admire Gordon Ross as well, I thought it was a large score to find this vintage edition while looking for a gift for your birthday. 

Safe Travels,


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