The Life of William Wordsworth


William wordsworth was known helped launch the Romantic Era with the help of his best friend Samuel Taylor Coleridge. His life was plagued by death and he had suffered many terrible losses. He lost 2 of his siblings when they were young and lost both of his parents making him an orphan at the age of 13. Despite his losses he was did well at Hawkshead Grammar School in Lancashire(now in Cumbria) where he wrote his first poetry and continued studying at St. Johns College, Cambridge. On a trip to France he fell in love with Annette Vallon who bore his first child Caroline. William later married Mary Hutchinson and they had 5 children together. Sadly, 2 of hus children died.

William Wordsworth's literary career began with "Descriptive Sketches." However, his collaboration with Coleridge, "Lyrical Ballads" made him one of English Romanticism most central figures and important intellects. Another one of his poems he is best known for is "The Prelude."

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