
Thank you to Dino Felluga and Kenneth Crowell for bringing my edition of Catherine into the electronic era via Cove. I would also like to thank those who helped with earlier versions of this edition: Professor Ira B. Nadel, who supervised the Ph.D dissertation at the University of British Columbia, on which this edition is based, along with the other members of my dissertation committee, Dr. Herbert J. Rosengarten and the late Dr. William E. Fredeman.

Other assistance came from Professors Robert A. Colby, Edgar F. Harden, H.G. Edinger, R.C. Beaumont, D.C. Carr, Laurence L. Bongie, Hershel Parker, Michael Treadwell, and Richard Bevis, and from Dr. A.E. Christa Canitz, Susan Briggs, Andrew Phillips, Rena Okada, Elizabeth Emond, Carolyn Enns, Vic Cavalli, the Inter-Library Loan Division at the University of British Columbia, the Houghton Reading Room (Harvard University), the Beinecke Library (Yale University), and the National Library of Scotland.

Thanks as well to Peter Shillingsburg, the general editor of the collection of Thackeray's works published by the University of Michigan Press, for shepherding a version of my dissertation into published form in 1999 as part of that collection, and to the Press itself for granting me permission to reproduce my work in electronic form.

The illustration in Chapter 9 of Mr. Billings meeting his father is reproduced with the permission of the British Museum. I would also like to acknowledge the kindness of Herbert Cahoon and the Trustees of the Pierpont Morgan Library in supplying me with a photocopy of the manuscript of "The Terrible Hays Tragedy" (identified in the Morgan collection as MA 1028). Eighteenth-century documents in the appendices were reproduced from microfilm with the permission of Research Publications International (Woodbridge, Connecticut).

Published @ COVE

March 2022