

In this painting you can see the sad and hurt in the soldiers. Some are dead, some are seriously injured, and nobody is really just fine in the painting. They are all in line with a wet cloth over their eyes. I would assume that they are like this because the gas attack affected their vision and cause severe pain to their eyes. The guys who are lying down may be trying to get rest while they are suffering the gas attack. In Owen's poem "Dulce et Decorum est" he explains a scene to help readers vividly see how the attacks went down. He stated "Gas! Gas! Quick, boys!-an ectascy of fumbling.This painting was captured at a dressing station near Arras in July 1918. These bandages were drowned with water to provide a relief from pain. A common sypmtom of people exposed of the gas was going blind.

Associated Place(s)

Part of Group:


  • John Singer Sargent

Image Date: