Timeline documenting all significant events and primary materials explored on HST3107 The US Civil Rights Movement. Use the #HST3107 designation to discover these items in COVE when building your own maps and timelines.
Test: Lincoln, HST3107 The US Civil Rights Movement Dashboard
Test course for Civil Rights, tasking students with designing their own timelines and maps to provide a distinct narrative of civil rights history.
Galleries, Timelines, and Maps
Gallery exhibit for Lincoln, HST3107 The US Civil Rights Movement
Master Narrative chronology of the civil rights movement
Test chronology of the civil rights movement focusing only on a narrative that foregrounds the experiences of women within the movement.
Individual Entries
At this church, Martin Luther King, Jr gave his famous speech titled "Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence" at which he publicly and forthrightly denounced US intervention into the conflict in Vietnam.
Site of the Memphis Sanitation Workers' strike, which brought King to the city. King was assassinated in Memphis on April 4, 1968.