Clemence Housman invented her gothic story to entertain the women in her wood-engraving class in London in 1884. She first published "The Were-Wolf" in the 1890 Christmas number of Atalanta, where it was illustrated by Everard Hopkins. In 1896 she collaborated with her brother, Laurence Housman, to produce an illustrated edition of The Were-Wolf for John Lane at The Bodley Head. In addition to authoring the text, Clemence Housman wood-engraved the 6 illustrations, decorated title page, and illuminated initial designed by her brother, Laurence Housman.
This edition of EBB’s sonnet, most widely known under the title of “On a Portrait of Wordsworth, by R. B. Haydon,” is the first effort to create what we are calling an “omnibus edition” of a literary work. The edition brings together three tools that have been created for The COVE: an annotation tool, a timeline-builder, and a geospatial map-builder.