History of COVE

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COVE logoThis timeline will provide of history of COVE, including significant milestones. The goal here is to provide transparency about how COVE has developed since the project was first proposed in 2015.


Chronological table

Displaying 1 - 23 of 23
Date Event Created by Associated Places
Nov 2014

NAVSA supports the creation of COVE

NAVSA logo

At the 2014 conference of the North American Victorian Studies Association held in London, Canada, Dino Franco Felluga propses to NAVSA's Advisory Board and Executive Council that the organization create an open-access publication and teaching space that would be free to NAVSA members. The Board and Council voted unanimously in favor and agreed to make available $2,000/year to help with the site's creation.

Dino Franco Felluga
Apr 2015

INCS talk

INCS logo

Dino Franco Felluga proposes the creation of COVE as part of a plenary panel on "Victorian Digital Futures" at the Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies annual conference in Atlanta, GA. The talk was titled "The Eventuality of the Digital."

Dino Franco Felluga
Jul 2015

NAVSA talk

NAVSA logo

Dino Franco Felluga proposes the creation of COVE as part of a plenary panel at the North American Victorian Studies Association annual conference in Honolulu, HI. The talk was titled "The Eventuality of the Digital."

Dino Franco Felluga
Nov 2015

Purdue grants

Purdue logo

Dino Franco Felluga is awarded two grants by Purdue University: an Enhancing Research in the Humanities and the Arts grant ($30,000) designed to built the infrastructure for COVE, and a Global Synergy Research Grant ($12,500) designed to bring together scholars to collaborate regarding the creation of COVE. Purdue Libraries soon after agrees to match the Global Synergy Research grant so that Felluga can simultaneously host a meeting of ARC (Advanced Research Consortium). Additional funds are provided by Digital Education, Office of the Provost. 

Dino Franco Felluga
10 Dec 2015

Publication of Eventuality of the Digital

19 journal splash page

Publication of "The Eventuality of the Digital" in 19: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century 21 (December 2015): http://dx.doi.org/10.16995/ntn.742.

Dino Franco Felluga
4 May 2016 to 6 May 2016

COVE/ARC meeting at Purdue

event poster

The first meeting of the COVE Advisory Board occurs at Purdue University. Members in attendance: Dino Felluga, Dave Rettenmaier, Amanda Visconti, Susan Brown, Michael E. Sinatra, Nick Laiacona, Lorraine Janzen Kooistra, Margaret Linley, Natalie Houston, Carl Stahmer, Michael Widner, Jason Camlot, and Paul Fyfe. The meeting was followed on May 5 by a series of public-facing talks and then a meeting of the ARC group (Advanced Research Consortium). COVE at the time stood for the Central Online Victorian Educator. The original idea was to extend to other fields through an organization dubbed SHORE: Supporting Humanities Online Research and Education. In 2020, the COVE Advisory Board decided instead simply to rebrand as Collective Organization for Virtual Education.

Dino Franco Felluga
Autumn 2016

COVE Studio Launched

COVE Studio screenshot

Over the summer and into the fall of 2016, a separate space is created for the encoding and storage of texts: COVE Studio. Studio is a password-protected space, which safeguards student privacy and facilitates fair-use uploads. COVE Editions, by contrast, is our space for open-access and flipped-classroom publication using our tools (a timeline-, map-, and gallery-builder). Ken Crowell was the first person to use the toolset (at Auburn University, fall 2016).

Dino Franco Felluga
Jan 2017

BAVS joins NAVSA in creation of COVE

BAVS logo

The Advisory Board of the British Association for British Studies votes to join NAVSA in creation of COVE, including the contribution of £1,500/year.

Dino Franco Felluga
7 Mar 2017 to 9 Mar 2017

First meeting of the UK COVE Group

University of Exeter logo

The first meeting of the UK COVE Consortium occurs at the University of Exeter. In attendance: Regenia Gagnier, John Plunkett, Paul Young (U of Exeter); Ana Vadillo (Birkbeck, U of London); Rebecca Mitchell (U of Birmingham); and Dino Felluga (Purdue U).

Dino Franco Felluga
May 2017

Florence workshop

Herbert F. Tucker, Dino Franco Felluga, Kenneth Crowell and Dominique Gracia run a live annotation workshop of Christina Rossetti's "In an Artist's Studio" at the supernumerary conference of NAVSA and AVSA. The workshop and the conference occur at La Pietra, Florence, Italy (pictured on the left). The edition is eventually published at COVE as an omnibus edition (including timeline, map, and gallery): https://editions.covecollective.org/edition/artists-studio.

Dino Franco Felluga
Autumn 2017

Armstrong Browning Library grant

Armstrong Browning Library

Baylor University's Armstrong Browning Library provides Dino Franco Felluga with its first semester-long fellowship so that he can edit a first omnibus edition at COVE (combining map, gallery, timeline and edited text). He is joined by Marjorie Stone, Christopher Rovee and Joshua King in an edition of Elizabeth Barrett Browning's sonnet, "On a Portrait of Wordsworth." The final edition is here: https://editions.covecollective.org/edition/portrait-wordsworth-br-haydon.

Dino Franco Felluga
Aug 2017

AVSA joins NAVSA and BAVS in creation of COVE

AVSA logo

The Australasian Victorian Studies Association joins NAVSA and BAVS in creation of COVE, providing AU$3,000 in monetary support over three years.

Dino Franco Felluga
Jan 2018

First COVE Edition Published

Harlot's House splash screen

Oscar Wilde's "Harlot's House" (lead editors, Dennis Denisoff Regenia Gagnier; annotators, Natalie Houston, Jamil Mustafa, Diana Maltz, Stefano Evangelista, and Dominique Gracia) is the first edition published at COVE after peer review and copy-editing. You can link to it here: The Harlot's House.

Dino Franco Felluga
Dec 2018

AHRC grant for PRO

PRO logo

The Arts and Humanities Research Council of the UK awards a networking grant (£44,797) to the Pre-Raphaelites Online, which brings together some of the most significant museum collections devoted to the Pre-Raphaelites, including the Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery, the Watts Gallery, the Delaware Art Museum, and the Yale Center for British Art. As Co-PI, Dino Franco Felluga explores how the new PRO group can work with COVE. Lead PI: Rebecca Mitchell (University of Birmingham). Other Co-PIs: Ana Vadillo (Birkbeck) and Paul Young (University of Exeter). The networking meetings occur at the University of Birmingham (July 2019), Purdue University (September 2019), and Birkbeck, London (December 2019).

Dino Franco Felluga
17 Dec 2018

Public Launch of Goblin Market

Lorraine Janzen Kooistra and Antony Harrison
Lorraine Janzen Kooistra and Antony Harrison

Antony H. Harrison and Lorraine Janzen Kooistra launch the COVE Digital Exhibit of Goblin Market at the Watts Gallery in Surrey, UK, at the Christina Rossetti and the Illustrated Poetry Book Conference, co-hosted with Birkbeck College.

Dino Franco Felluga
Jul 2019

Publication of "Can Victorian Studies Reclaim the Means of Production"

Journal of Victorian Culture cover

Dino Franco Felluga and David Rettenmaier (the lead programmer of COVE Editions) publish "Can Victorian Studies Reclaim the Means of Production: Saving the (Digital) Humanities" in Journal of Victorian Culture 24.3 (July 2019): 331-43. The article can be accessed here: https://academic.oup.com/jvc/article/24/3/331/5544123.

Dino Franco Felluga
7 Jul 2020


NASSR logo

At its annual Advisory Board meeting, the North American Society for the Study of Romanticism decides to work with NAVSA, BAVS and AVSA to expand COVE to new field groups.

Dino Franco Felluga
Nov 2020

COVE Studio: Purdue

COVE Studio Purdue website image

The first institutional subscripttion to COVE Studio is established for Purdue University: https://purdue.covecollective.org/. All staff and students at Purdue can now login to COVE Studio Purdue using their purdue.edu credentials, including two-factor authentication. Winter 2021 sees the first classes making use of Purdue's new COVE Studio space.

Dino Franco Felluga
Dec 2020

COVE rebranding

COVE logo

The COVE Advisory Board decides to rebrand COVE as Collaborative Organization for Virtual Education, thus reflecting the fact that COVE tools and content are no longer limited to Victorian history and culture.

Dino Franco Felluga
Dec 2020

BAVS Studio

BAVS Studio splash page

A BAVS-branded version of COVE Studio is now live and available to all BAVS members; https://bavs.covecollective.org/. A first workshop for BAVS members occurs on Dec. 14, 2020.

Dino Franco Felluga
Apr 2021

People of Color Initiative

RSVP logo

COVE receives funding to support the encoding of texts by and about people of color: a Research Society for Victorian Periodicals grant ($27,500); a University of Nebraska-Lincoln Arts and Humanities Research Enhancement Program Grant ($15,000); and three years of a .5 FTE research assistantship from Purdue (over $75,000). All three funds are dedicated to the encoding of texts by and about people of color, including archival work at SOAS University of London, database recovery work in collaboration with Adam Matthew Digital, and the expansion of COVE titles from all literary periods. The growing list of titles can be found at: https://editions.covecollective.org/content/works-and-about-people-color.

Dino Franco Felluga
Sep 2022 to Aug 2025

COVE Receives NEH Grant

In spring 2022, COVE receives a $350,000 grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (Humanities References and Resources grant scheme). Adrian Wisnicki and Dino Franco Felluga are the co-PIs on the project. The work will occur over 3 years from September 2022 to August 2025. The grant will pay for the restructuration of COVE Studio data, the upgrading of COVE Editions' Drupal architecture, and the encoding of new primary material.

Dino Franco Felluga
Nov 2022

Publication of "Going a Step Further Than Open Access and Open Source"

In November 2022, Dino Franco Felluga publishes, "Going a Step Further Than Open Access and Open Source: COVE and the Promise of Open Assembly" (Victorians Institute Journal 49 [2022]: 198-209). The article outlines the logic behind COVE. The article can be found at https://doi.org/10.5325/victinstj.49.2022.0198.

Dino Franco Felluga