This timeline will provide of history of COVE, including significant milestones. The goal here is to provide transparency about how COVE has developed since the project was first proposed in 2015.
COVE Overview Dashboard
This set of documents will provide a metaphorical (and also literal) map of the development of COVE. COVE (Collaborative Organization for Virtual Education), a non-profit classroom and publication platform, provides teachers and researchers with two distinct locations for their work: 1) COVE Studio, a password-protected space for the accumulation of public domain, Creative Commons and fair use primary texts that can be easily edited, prepared for annotation, and assembled into custom anthologies for reading and group annotation; and 2) COVE Editions, an open-access publishing platform, which makes it possible to disseminate knowledge: not only peer-reviewed and copy-edited work from various fields, but also flipped-classroom research projects by students. This space makes use of our open-access and open-source publication tools: a timeline-builder (TimelineJS), a map-builder (OpenLayers), a gallery-builder (Drupal), and a Drupal area for group assembly (complete with graphs indicating individual contributions); we have integrated these tools so groups can easily collaborate on projects and build new content.
Galleries, Timelines, and Maps
In order to illustrate the variety of different schools and types of courses making use of COVE tools, we will post those universities here. When possible, we will also provide links to the "flipped classroom" projects created by students.
This map is designed to illustrate the distributed network of support behind The COVE. Rather than put all of COVE's eggs in one institutional basket, we have attempted to distribute both the funding support and research-assistant workload of the initiative.
Individual Entries
Ashley Nadeau has used COVE tools over multiple semesters. You can visit one of her courses at COVE Editions here:
Rebecca Nesvet has been a long-time user of COVE tools and has also participated in summer COVE workshops to help others interested in using our tools, especially the gallery-builder, which she has used to create a COVE critical edition: A Mystery in Scarlet 1865
Beverly Rilett used COVE tools with a graduate student (Anne Nagel) at the University of Nebraska to create her edition of George Eliot images. The collection can be found at COVE here: The George Eliot Portrait Gallery: Perspectives on the Writer.