
Shades of Meaning: A Haunted Victorians Anthology

December, 2024

Welcome to Shades of Meaning, an anthology of haunted, ghostly, and ghastly tales from the Victorian period. In this edition you will find links to five Victorian ghost stories, complete with annotations, as well as accompanying elements such as editorial introductions and galleries of associated images for each narrative. These supplemental materials were collected and constructed by teams of editors composed of students in the undergraduate Victorian Literature course “Haunted Victorians” at James Madison University during the fall of 2024.

Untrue Women and Pioneer Feminists in The Experiences of Loveday Brooke, Lady Detective, by Jessica S. Trombley

By Jessica S. Trombley

Catherine Louisa Pirkis’s serial, The Experiences of Loveday Brooke, Lady Detective (1893), reflects the evolving expectations concerning women’s roles in Victorian society. The sexist views of women referenced throughout the series remind us of the reality for most women at the time. However, the fact that the serial portrays a female detective as the hero and brains of the story is proof enough of the changing times. Loveday thwarts convention and uses sexist stereotypes to her own advantage.


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