To Follow the Impossible Dream

George Weslow


How does one go about following a dream?... When reality becomes fantasy, is this impossible?... How can one follow what seemingly leads to nowhere?

But then wait a minute,... Who am I to question the limits of what the mind can conjure?...

I myself am following the impossible dream! Mine is a rainbow, invisible to other eyes, but my eyes see and my mind knows where my dream will lead.

Would anything be reality if it had not begun as a dream? And would there be airplanes or automobiles if someone had not pictured these in his mind? Were these not called impossible?

What would love be if one did not dream of love? Who can truthfully say that they know what is hidden behind the power of thought? Does anyone know what fury the mind can unleash in a moment of insanity, or what unknown power the very edge of concentration can bring forth? Do people not communicate with the dead?...

Is there not a sixth sense embedded within the body of all living creatures? How can anyone doubt that anything is possible? Does anyone truly know?...

The impossible dream, is to find the impossible...



Published @ COVE

April 2022